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Empires Glory


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Hmm... That explains everything. Yeah, it all makes sense now. Damn Necromancers... :P


Just some advice: make sure the lighting in the dungeon isn't too bright. It usually looks much darker in the CS. :)

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Hmm.. if u need some speed with progress maybe i can help u i just learned how to make interior and cell's i made my own house.. and other things, i am working on mod called: "Heaven City"


With a lot of houses and shop's etc so if u want maybe i can help u.


I know mod to something.

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yes well nothing has been made official but it was thought out loud that there will be three cells 1 a large battle room and either base cell for Mages and then Necro fellas that attach to the battle dungeon. I have been put most my work in the battle room and is very near to completion. i am not opposed to getting help in the least, just the last week and a half have been busy so my progress has been slow.

The Battle room which houses the Shard has taken extra time, more then usual because it is so large fitting some pieces together was like a puzzle with out seeing the pictures on the pieces. but the full room is complete i am now doing lighting, pathing.

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Hm, or turning Empires Glory in a Prequel? Don't forget that EG-legion doesn't hold any quests, more than 1 script and more than a few AI-packages (or perhaps none) at the moment.
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Woah?! turn Empires Glory to a prequel?!! Keep the timeline the same please, but certainly we could give off perhaps a little section, At the very least I intend to get a mod content trailer out soon. Or some screens, Elrodian, upload what you've got for EG-Legion to scrollworks and il take some screens and a video.
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