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Large Idea For The Up Coming Work of Open Arch!!!


Idea Stems from the Great Gate.

Open Arch Could Have Began as An Eg Legion Fort Where The Largest Great gate has been Defeated. all that is left of the Gate is the OPEN ARCH????

They be Cursed by wailing' banshees at night fall. where Dark Riders Come from the north Haunting and plegueing the Towns folks.

Once Great Clergy and Knights of the EG legion fallen to the gates prince now in limbo they are cursed to the call of the Oblivion gate.

Forever forced to heed the the oblivion call to re open the largest gate ever seen by man.


Not in any way returning the Oblivion Gates to game just using them as back story.

We could give them Shadow mere to ride and make em Creepy Like NazGoul


this all would be simple enough to pull off we could even incorporate the original emperors Oblivion experiences into the story something like returning martin \ New Emperor to finish what his father could never do kinda thing.


What Do You Think?

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I'll contact Pierrick as he simply...disappeared. He had a large plan and we'd have to discuss that and yours to see what to do. He might be busy...but still.
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I'll start a topic in about 12 hours..Pierrick is busy for at least a week, but I still got his previous message with a small description of his plan archived...(on another PC.)
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So Back To Necro Mage. okay now Was thinking to make it more versatile we could make mages and necromancers come in waves so the battle is more exciting so insted of just 15 npc's there could be 30 or 60 as long as they are not in the cell at the same time and each wave could get more difficult, leveling npc's each time. I would not know how to do something like that but it would be worth a try
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