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That is what we currently have going, personally I would like to be able to add some special armour for illian,and perhaps a sword, I have an idea for it twinkling away in my head, but who agrees he should have some? I think with that added it would be a sufficient list.

Eh, I lost it...callitons sword isn't of Illian? I know, we've talked about getting it another way but I can recall it would be his weapon rather than to be given o_O .

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Well i have no idea where callitons sword was going, as it seems to be being thrown everywhere right now. So it is illians? But we are still up for a couple more armours once someone is ready? I'm not saying this should become and armour mod, but some for illians armour and for his army would be a nice touch.
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Good one...maybe ImperialModder would like to do that.

He came from skyrim, that's one...he wants power, so something that reflects power...and vengeance?


If he's a Nord, maybe he'd use a runic symbol. I can whip something up, if you like?

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Here, how about one of these? They're based on an old Norse symbol called the Aegisjalmur, or Helm Of Awe. Big magic symbol type of thing. Also, the second one kinda looks like the symbl for chaos.

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Yeah, but I didn't say he was a nord, he's still an imperial. Rune-symbols seem cool though.


Or was it hammerfell :happy: ..anyone that wants to scroll back 20 pages?

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Yeah, but I didn't say he was a nord, he's still an imperial. Rune-symbols seem cool though.


Or was it hammerfell :happy: ..anyone that wants to scroll back 20 pages?


Or 200.... :P


Well where were imperials more common, hammerfell or skyrim? Wait who wrote the book on his history? it said in there.

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Yeah, but I didn't say he was a nord, he's still an imperial. Rune-symbols seem cool though.


Or was it hammerfell :happy: ..anyone that wants to scroll back 20 pages?


Oh. I figured he was a Nord because he's from Skyrim.


If he's from Hammerfell, maybe an Arabic or Moorish design? I hear Hammerfell is kinda of Arabian Nights sort off place...


Anyway, I'll sort through the pages and find out, and maybe put up a few more suggestions if no one minds.

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