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Hey everyon is the attack in anvil still? Or along the way? Also what ideas do we need now?

I'm not sure about the attack's location, but we still need an attacking army, I think. Or are we going to use the Altmer? Or the Drothmeri Army?

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Ohayo(Good morning in japanese)!I think that the attackers should be some groups of Morrowind that still raid the provinces for slaves, and like vicICE said before there are plenty of idiots, so an attack could be done for any reason.

Ja ne.

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I'm not sure about the slave traders from Morrowind. They have no reason to make a large scale attack on a city in Cyrodiil. They'd be outnumbered. We need a powerful, fearsome enemy. Something that's a challenge.


However, we might be able to use 'em after all. They could be part of a quest after the player becomes Emperor/High Chancellor; the player would be tasked to put an end to the slave raids. The player would give orders to the Legion to:


  • Defend the settlements (perhaps even cities?) in the Blackwood region against the slave trader attacks.
  • Find out where the slave traders' headquarters are.
  • And then let the Legion root out the slave traders and free the captives.

With a few minor adjustments, this could also be used as a repeatable quest; every once in a while, reports of a slave trader attack could come in, and the player could lead a bunch of soldiers in a small scale battle against the slave traders.


Slavery is illegal in Cyrodiil, so it makes perfect sense that the Legion wants stop the slave raids. I personally think this would be a very entertaining quest.

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Bye? Are you leaving again :D?


Did I miss something? noliver3?


Anyway I don't think the drotmeri army should be involved.

Cause if you played that DLC, you've pretty thinned out there army. (Trust me, there were a LOT of them)

So maybe somewhat later on....After they've heard of the first attack. Like they want to try it too.


Location is (primarily) going to determine who would attack. As what kind of attack it will be.

Cause from ships soldiers could be spawn from beneath the deck. (Would look like that, at least..)

From the mountains.... perhaps from a cave? Or what you've mentioned earlier (I think :huh: ).

From forts near the borders....


Perhaps we should have about 3 different reasons/provinces. We could chose the best of them, for

the first attack in the last (main)quest.


Good idea about the raids..


Haha you just posted before me...

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Anyway I don't think the drotmeri army should be involved.

I agree. They've been weakened too much. They would be lore friendly though:


From the UESPWiki, Oblivion:Frathen Dothran page:


Frathen Drothan is a rogue Telvanni wizard. He leads the Drothmeri Army and searches Varsa Baalim for Mehrunes Razor, in hopes of using it to topple Imperial rule.


We've finally found an enemy with a lore friendly reason to attack, but now they're outnumbered! Haha! ;D

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hmm, we could always have an attack from religious fanatics. Who will not agree the way the emperor is brought back?

(Perhaps that could only occur, if you've chosen to be emperor yourself.)


Still, we don't have a first attack......

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War of the Blue Divide


3E 396


Summerset Isle defeated western Valenwood.


[edit] The War of the Bend'r-mahk


3E 396


Skyrim destroyed the combined forces of Hammerfell and High Rock.


[edit] The Five Year War


3E 396


Elsweyr defeated eastern Valenwood.


uesp: wars-link


Has valenwood some trouble being peaceful? :happy:

Or had they've just been suffering from constant attacks in that time?

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I'm not sure. I remember reading something about a war between Valenwood and Elswyr in one of Morrowind's books. Valenwood was very chaotic at that time. I think I'll have a look at that book again...
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