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Empires Glory


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Right. Did he give you a plan already? And does this mean we are ditching the original Open Arch Worldspace work? Or keeping it in reserve?


Next up the Amulet Shards, how are they going? If there's a roadblock due to idea shortage, then tell and we shall shift the problem.


For some reason I'm checking progress tonight, so everyone tell me where your at.

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Man u guys are soo.. damn.. i mean i am watching this topic its seems like he is always losing his Eg legion.. :// damn man..


Will this mod be over by: 2100?




Maybe you should try contributing, instead of insulting and complaining.

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IF it's that annoying to you, then either explain why, or don't post. EG legion has been lost twice, sure it's annoying, but he rebuilt it last time, why should this time be any different. EG has been going for roughly 4-5 months, some mods spend over a year in production.


Thank you for replying for me Kieran, have we added you to our file page yet.

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