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Empires Glory


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Good question.... you can send it over to empiresgloryteam AT hotmail DOT com

or via Megaupload.com/FileFront.com

or another way..you would have to PM me about that.

Whatever you want.

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Get an account if you don't have one...you'll end up using it often and that way you can see back your link and control your files.

If you don't use an account you'll only get the link once and you better not forget it!

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Get an account if you don't have one...you'll end up using it often and that way you can see back your link and control your files.

If you don't use an account you'll only get the link once and you better not forget it!


thats it it has been uploaded and ive saved the link so do you want me to link it on the forum or by PM??

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It's what you think is safe ;D. If you use an PM I'll just have it, otherwise 2 million will.

...Don't worry..in a few weeks we'll have our own team-file system where I'll backup all our files.




I've got the file now.


and the 4000th post!

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Just had an idea. We're going to have the player (depending on choices made) be Emperor and have the MAulet of Kings, yes? Well, the whole idea behind the Amulet is that the red gem is an ancient Ayleid soul gem, the Chim-el Abadal, which has the souls (or at least copies of the conciousnesses) of all the Emperors since Alessia Slave-Queen in it.


Why don't we have, when the player has the Amulet equipped, a lesser power added to the players spell book that transports them to a room (IC style) that's supposed to be inside their minds, with the EMperors of the past there to speak too. Just hit the higlights, Alessia, Pelagius, Uriel the VII, Tiber Septim, yadda yadda. Some of them could just give the same general advice over and over (Uriel would say 'trust the Gods', Tiber Septim would say "Be vigilant in war" and Pelagius would say "whibble."), but some could give adivce fr different parts of the MQ, and even act as quest-givers.


Sound good?

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