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Empires Glory


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Of course you may help aragorn. You could help by creating some parts. Would save some time.

I don't know what you would like to do. But something you could do are the interiors.

(saw your response post on another topic). No need for new textures, so things should go fine.

I will not trow you into the deep. So If any questions should arise, ask them. Here or via pm... (Getting quite full over here)


Tell me if you're ready to begin...


for slawter (and for tomorrow :) ), its indeed useful, if all would be on the first page.

If you cannot get enough room to fit it. Just add an attachment with the text. (You'll have a backup yourself too, then)




Looks like we've got another one helping us out.

This one is quite good at what says he can.


To start off for tomorrow. I like to trow in the idea to create new/changed armor, for the group attached to the fake descendant.

(We definitely need a name for it and the fake descendant, soon...)

If everyone could share their thought on it....


Last post....See you all tomorrow....


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I have an Idea, instead of using the Mythic Dawn as a enemy, becuase there lord is dead. How about we bring out an older evil, Jager Tharn, it spoke of him breifly in the begging when your in the prison. I pretty sure hes a person.


Imperial Battle-Mage Jagar Tharn. As the game starts, Tharn has used his magic to usurp the throne of Emperor of Tamriel, Uriel Septim VII, whom he then imprisoned in an alternate dimension, Oblivion. Normally when the Emperor of Tamriel dies, a Council is magically informed and meets to select a successor. By sequestering Uriel Septim VII in a magical prison, Tharn prevented this from happening. Using magic he then took the form of the Emperor and replaced the Emperor's most loyal servants and followers with demons and other fell creatures similarly altered.


Unable to suborn his apprentice Ria Silmane, Tharn murders her and imprisons the player's character (the Captain of the Imperial Guard and Ria's friend) beneath the city. Silmane is able to magically hold herself in the mortal plane long enough to direct the player's character in how to escape. Her wish is that the player seek the eight shattered pieces of Staff of Chaos (the tool Tharn stole to imprison the Emperor and kill her with) in order to defeat Tharn and remove him from power.


Tharn appears only occasionally for most of the game, mostly to taunt the player. The central "quest" or goal of the game involves learning how to defeat Tharn and gathering the necessary items. If the player completes this task and returns to the Imperial City, he or she can confront the villain who is extremely powerful at this point. If the player determines how to defeat him, the battle ends with Tharn's death and the gratitude of the restored Emperor. If not, Tharn will sooner or later destroy even the strongest character.


Numerous in-game literature from Morrowind and Oblivion make mention of Jagar Tharn, namely in the biography of Barenziah. Jagar Tharn seduced the Dark Elf queen, under the name of the nightingale, in order to obtain the Staff of Chaos, which he then hid throughout Tamriel. It was Barenziah that discovered the hidden locations of the pieces to the staff.


Jagar Tharn is also mentioned in The Elder Scrolls Legends: Battlespire as the figure who assists Mehrunes Dagon in conquering the Battlespire Academy as well as in The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey as the true master behind the events within Dragonstar revolving around eliminating other Battlemages of equal power as his own.


I`ve only played oblivion i hope hes not dead or something in a previous game. But we could make him come back as an enemy?? just a thought.

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The Mythic Dawn is not the enemy, Just one captured Agent who tells you about the amulet shards and how an emperor could be restored, its a good idea but it would compltley rewrite the entire mod.


Btw Welcome to Empires Glory!

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We would have never come this far if you, Slawter, haven't posted the idea.

And also thanks to everyone especially for vicICE for the modding(maybe I join him later).

Bye, everyone, I'm signing off as well, but my ideas come back tomorrow.


Thanks and congrats vicICE wants you to help with the modding


Ok Il put all ideas(In detail) on the first post,Il keep the original idea of the mod that started it all but put a attached Word Document to it, that way you can download that and have it all at your fingertips instead of going into the forum everytime you need 1 piece of information.

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Damn, we're already at page 42!


Im thinking they should wear the same armour, except for the Fake descendant as he is the leader of the attack he needs to be distinguishable. Should we Make a new armour? Or Use an existing one?. Im thinking that his troops should be mostly in iron, as he wouldnt be massivley well funded,He himself should be in the Blackwood company armor in my opinion, No helmet so you can see his face.


Well, it seems I'm going to be very busy next week (that means I won't be posting much too), but if I have some time left, I could use my (basic) texturing skills and try to retexture (Perhaps put a logo on some armor? Give it a slightly different colour?) some armor for the fake descendant's army. Don't excpect too much, though; I'm not the new Qarl or something like that.


And welcome to Empire's Glory, Imperialmodder!

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Great! Agromir if you can help with the fake descendant armor thatd be great so that VicICE can carry on with the main body of the mod.


Also most of the mods details are in an attached word.doc file on post 1, not included is dialogue thats still on p24 and the fake descendant ideas as thats not yet completed.

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i have a suggestion, Can you make Empires Glory Compatible with The Elder Councils Mod??? Cause that Mod has added many new things in the Imperial Palace, If TES and this mod can be compatible with each other then it will be like FCOM(Frans, Oscuro, Martigen), FCOM is the best all-around mod But Empires Glory plus Elder Council can be the best quest mod!
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I'm not sure how vicICE is handling the stuff in and around the Imperial Palace, but I'd be surprised if it's still compatible with The Elder Council. I too have played TES, and I think it'd be a lot of work to make it compatible, so don't count on it.


Perhaps when the mod's finished, we'll consider making a compatibility patch.


Now about the armor, what would you like to see? Wich armor must be retextured? I could try changing colours, and if we had some kind of 'fake descendant logo' I could try putting that on the cuirass.


[EDIT]I just read Imperialmodder's topic; it looks like he's got quite some texturing experience. Perhaps it's better if he tries retexturing some armor. I think he could do a much better job than I ever could.

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Well, I'm going to be busy this week, so I won't have time to retexture anything. Besides that, texturing isn't exactly my favourite aspect of modding...
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