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Empires Glory


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Im now working on making armors. (BUT WAIT THERE JUST TESTS!!) lol i dont want you guys bombarding me with armor requests XD. well... maybe if the tests are sucessful and my weightpainting is awsome and everything works then i'll see about an Illian Armour!! which will fit the theme of the new rapier which looks much better if you want to put a picture up on the nexus images, please anyone. :L



But yeah the part im testing is a shoulder pad (Classed as the cuirass) based on the armor for the mod working on im and if it works then ill see about making an Illian Armor so best of luck :D


errm ill put a picture up of the finished product and how it looks I GAME so you guys will be getting a big peek of the mod as its armor for one of the main people who you will find out who it is soon enough.


Pronam already knows too much XD


cheers dudes :)


and to mention (Jeez im writing damn essays for you guys alately XD)


About the open head crown errm im still trying to figure out how to do this without it colliding with things such as hair and ears but im still working on that at the moment :D

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Thanks dude. errm when i do modeling i have fun doing it i love creating things :P


ok yeah, i do get tired of it but not very quickly :D hey and don't forget if anyone needs any help with modeling i'll help you out.


Oh yeah this is what the shoulder pad will look like but i still have to make the rest of it :L



The two things sticking out looking branch like will be 2 pieces of dark wood that will be on fire


The middle spike is well... a spike :L


This is untextured but i have a texture in mind an idea of how it will look

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NICE!! good going crim well im going to see about an illian armor now guys which may take some time but for now the Illian Rapier anyone care to give the badass wep a tryout?? tell me whats wrong with it if there is??
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