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I am working on a mod(more of a test) that alows me to Totaly Re-create all in-game voice overs on an NPC, Ive been trying at this for a year now. I was totally a noob with Cs at that time. I now figured out after 3 gos-at-recording over ALL lines! :wallbash:, that you only do the ones nessisciary, or a made up one. Now i found a decent tutoral on doing that BUT, theres a cache. It tells me to use in out-of-game audio recorder wich i am now doing. Unfortuantly both methods of in-game(cs) nor out-game(program) dont work, So ive been up all night trying all possiblitys of options. Including thinking that the file formats are incorrect, or mabey the destinations wrong. Either way i would ADORE if someone could mabey hop on & IM, or make a video/text-with-pics, on how in the hell to make custom Voice(btw i dont mean Literally like how to record, I mean like how to get it work-ingame).

I`ve tryed to do it, I just suck at Scripting. Ive manged to get A Character that looks like me, with what i want on him (npc making down) and place him where i want him, but just cant get him to talk, just the defaults talk. I once got my custom text but NO VOICE! So please reguardless if its off-topic it is very essentiel to me. Ill be watching the fourms all day till a response. :thanks:

-Imperialmodder :biggrin:

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i need 8 ranks for eglegion, land combat. it must end with general. uhm i'll take pics too

You mean like Private, Private First Class, Ensign, Lieutenant, Lieutanant-Commander, Commander, Corporal, Captain, Commandant, Lietenant-General, stuff like that?


Or more Roman types, like Centurian and Equitas?

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