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Empires Glory


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:D is the EG main quest done?


Armor- About the armor im still working on it but it's a hell of alot harder than i thought.

i can give it a good go and hope to god it works, but what im saying is i can't promise anything.


But that's not stopping me from having hope and atleast trying :D


also i may not be quite as active as usual because i seem to be getting into my new xbox games, but don't worry i'll still have time to mod and do things all the best :).

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Speaking of which, I have an idea. We were going to use a replica of the palace inside the actual palace to avoid clashing, yes? However I believe that would just confuse some people. How about we have him wait in a relevant area for the quest you're currently on? So at the start, he's in the prison district, then moves to bravil when he's needed there, and so on and so forth.
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? Dagon, we use Ocato whenever we want to. We don't need to move him, we can just duplicate his fake twin-brother. Some places can't be accessed after you spoke to him, or actually can't be accessed at all as the player is teleported to it. I'm not sure what he should do in Bravil or the Prison District btw :P. He'll stay hidden as he's always been, the duplicate will take a effect immediately when the player starts the game. From that moment the player won't see the the original Ocato that easily anymore or something strange should happen.
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Lool, no. The original Ocato will stay in the original palace as some people may have used him in their mods.

The Duplicate is a new-NPC version of Ocato. Ocato2 can be copied too, just copies of Ocato2s, that way we can use him at strange places as some places aren't linked to the world in any way. It's less trouble to use a copy of Ocato2, rather than to let him teleport which could go wrong. Lol, you'll never see 2 ocatos at a time, don't worry.

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