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Empires Glory


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that might help can someone list down what roles are alredy given? Also and like i said if the characters that are already in-game are you gonna try and piece together stuff from what the alredy said to create theri dialogue or are you gonna have some one try and re-create it i might have someone in mind, if i can get him to do it.....
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We'll probably release both. As one likes BSA, while others despise it.

Generally, the first version could be an .esp, any other could be too. I'm still not out of it whether or not to esmify or espify :).

We'll see what's best when the first stuff is out.


Until we release plug-ins it doesn't really matter what we use. An ESM would make it harder for people to uninstall. (Which is a good thing. :P Haha.) As for the BSA, I think it's better to use plain folders, at least during beta/gamma stages. If one file needs to be fixed, people would have to redownload the whole BSA. Otherwise they'd only have to download that one file.


When the mod's properly debugged we could switch to a BSA archive. :)

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--True, lol the .BSA isn't going to released the first time at all. I'd earlier create an installer than a .BSA :P.


I would probly do the mythic dawn agent, but you could get a lot more outta me then that.

It's a small, but fun role. After the first quest you're out though, we'll never see him again. But if you'd like to get beaten or let yourself to be talked over...be my guest!

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