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Empires Glory


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well your probably not gonna get anything deeper around here. And that was the very first time he ever read it no intentions of knowing its for a game. Also i put the echo on there to sound like he was ina palace & i can take it off. I belive you can interpet is just fine look at your sig.

Btw how deep do you mean>? hes 62 hes not a child with high pitched voice>? you want gods voice lol?


Pronam just refresh it a few times..

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I'm not sure really i can't explain.


Me personally, i think it needs to be a deeper voice... like the guards on vanilla oblivion there voices are pretty deep.


I MIGHT have a go at this myself im from yorkshire in england so my voice tends to be deep. :)

I'll see about finding my mic.


by the way may i ask who actually is it saying these lines?

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My Grandfather. If everyone truely agress & we cant find anyone deep enough I have someone eles but if he has the time i dont know. Lets this put it this way james earl jones and him have something in common,..................not being black...................but you get my point. He a tad younger than my Grandfather hes 48 so hes younger not as raspy i could talk to him if you guys dont think anyone here is sufficent but we are still waing on slawters to he might be really good.
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It's not really a problem. Voices can be edited as I said. Making it a tiny bit lower by editing can make a huge difference. It's about the talent of the one saying the words, not directly the tone.


good news, Thingy is almost done :). Lol, I've said that a couple of times before but now it's really close.

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Much better slawter these have gave me some lols :D but i think if you could try again and maybe sound a little less emperor palpatine that would work perfectly :D


Slawter where are you from like the london area?


I quite like Imperial Modders (test 2 :D) who are yo getting to say the lines?


Yes Slawter yours was a little dramatic especially the I.Will.Be.Emperor XD :thumbsup:

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alright we will use vanilla models and textures, maybe you can retex the empire robes into another thing as a night robe. for the exterior. i would like imperial/skingrad building models. the palace will be built remotely with a very large security and entrance system. it shall be high in the valus mountains constructed at an unreachable peak. the entrance is only known to the emperor, elder coundil, chancellor and the most elite of the blades.


also i thought i was gonna voice martin. but if it is done i will make some things for eglegion officials. speaking of eglegion. just need to make some screenies, the trailer and clutter the thing up. but have a few tests tomorrow so it will be in the weekend. dagon, your character will also be finished this weekend. am constructing an road between the navy and legion district and one form navy to talos bridge and one from legion to prison.


new feature wich i will make except for AI and scripts. as a reward for your efforts martin/ ghost of martin and ocato will award you with a reward of immense size where some are optional.


the standard ones:

1.your own buildable estate/fort/castle where you can persuase the other easter egg characters to come live( not the ones who live in the new palace)(will post a giant post where the construction options and other options are listed. after this one)

2. a home in the new palace

3. a personal bodyguard

4. set of special blades armor

5. two additional blades bodyguard.

6. access too special companion quests (will post info in the other post)

7. get acces to quest too search your family


optional rewards

1. become grandmaster or captain of the blades

2. become captain of imperial guard

3. get a seat on the elder council

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