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Hmm i've compared each voice to a vanilla oblivion voice file. quite obviously you can tell what sounds customised :) but i guess we could do a callout for any voice actors... maybe get some of the older members of the team :) everyone who can have a go might aswell have a go?
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You said you were, but then retconned it, so I took on the role. And thank you for making that char, Elrodian. But when you say special companion quests, do you mean recruiting the easter egg chars?

And I think if everyone had a go it would get really confusing. What do you say we put it up to the entire Nexus as a vote, though?

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i wil make some dialogou for eglegion concerned conversations with ocato/ martin


dialogou about getting eglegion


with ocato(after IC attack

ocato: there he is, the man of the hour, the champion of cyrodil!

player: you give me too much credit, you fought equally hard

ocato: while you were recovering from the fight, the elder council and i decided that harder militairy actions are needed. we will reward you with your very own personal legion and navy. we hope you will put it to use in destroying illian

(everyone claps)

Player i will, you will see him dead or otherwise may akatosh be mercy on us all.

(player gets keys to legion and navy districts interior)


with martin(after ic attack)


martin: my friend. it was a very bloody and dangerous battle yet you did not cowar in the face of dager and rose above your foes thriumphantly and slew all before you and saved my life yet again.

player: your majesty you fought like a trained warrior i merely followed your example

Martin: no the honour is yours as is this(gives the key) this key entitles you too the new imperial legion and navy facilities. you are the new legions commander. use them well against illan.

player: i will your majesty may talos give us sthrength


ther what do y all think also please give feedback over my idea before i post a mili long post that is not appreciated

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