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Not all the weapons he makes are for EG or for any other person, Imperialmodder. Any weapon he makes, he can post outside of EG. And how many people would actually properly violate copyright for something like this, Imperial? Not many. So L33's done nothing wrong.


Lets get a few things straight, I said the weapons that he affliates with EG should not be from WoW, anything he posts outside EG is his own business, and i dont care. AND I NEVER SAID HE DID ANYTHING WRONG Dagon. I was just putting it out there as a warning & to be aware of the copyright. I never said anything about infragment and shame on you & your in the wrong, you just assumed that. It wasnt critisim nor was it a misunderstanding. I knew what i was saying i was just putting it out there to not affliate WoW with our mod.

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Hey. I've been reading this topic for a couple weeks, since the Mod Detective thread pointed me here for a mod that could make you emperor. I'm curious if any of you have any kind of release date, even if it's just a rough estimate.



The EG team has rules and policies, and one of those is that we set no release date.


At all.




Not even rough estimates.


Not even amongst ourselves.

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Nope sorry, don't count on it to be ready any time soon. There are a few mods that have a different palace and allow you to wear the robes. Maybe you can use those in the meanwhile :).
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Nope sorry, don't count on it to be ready any time soon. There are a few mods that have a different palace and allow you to wear the robes. Maybe you can use those in the meanwhile :).

nah, that wouldn't feel right to me. Lol, I'll just keep downloading other mods and playing them until this comes out, then completely wipe my data folder and add some mods that will compliment this one. a lot of mine would interfere... Like "the elder council" mod by giskard.. and others


However, another question i have is whether Shivering Isles will be required, or just plain Oblivion. It wouldn't affect me, as i have the GOTY, but I'm curious.


And, do you plan on filling all those seats in the Elder Council chambers, similar to what "The Elder Council" mod does? If you become an emperor, you have to have all of your advisers. If any of you on the team have played that mod, you will see what i mean. He fills up the Palace a lot, with all kinds of various things. It would be cool to do something similar, or something totally different :P as long as it's not left empty.


If you haven't thought of this and need ideas, i could help. Can't mod it though, as I'm completely useless at CS :D

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Nope, GOTY will affect none and you'll not even need the SI :). Lol none is useless at the CS, everyone says that. Then they follow a couple of tutorials and they are capable. The only problem that you need to have time to mod.

We will fill the seats at the council, but due to the large amount of things we're doing we're going to put that in a plugin. That'll contain more than just that, it'll have some diplomacy quests and such. At the moment Elrodian is creating a palace outside of the palace. As their is simply not enough room the 'personal' quarters will be moved towards another area. The Council and all will stay of course.

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sounds good. Lol, yes, i could probably figure out Construction Set, but atm i don't have the time. And as a plugin, would this mod come out when you release the main Empires Glory mod, or sometime after that?


I apologize, i'm sure that I'm asking questions that have been asked and answered many times, but I don't really want to sift through a 500+ page thread :)

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No problem, if you never ask..you'll never learn. Today we're not discussing anything, so it's no problem.


It'll probably released after it, but it'll also depend on all. As currently, EG-Legion, the first plugin, will probably be released with the launch..meaning it'll be combined. The second plugin to be made is the Council plugin, as that won't take that much time..it'll probably released shortly after. But who knows, if Elrodian is done before the rest of the team is..it might be in the main mod already.

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