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i hve a idea for a reward after you kill count bravil but this is if you chose martin otherwise it wont make sense. YOU GET YOUR OWN IMPERIAL LEGION COMPLETE WITH NEW DISTRICT ON THE IMPERIAL ISLE AND OF COURSE A NAVY. and it can be upgraded with subgroups and you can name second in comand and lots of other things to make a army. here is a list of ranks/npcs/buildings/dialogou and other requirements:


ranks for the soldiers:

1. recruit

2. soldier


4. sergeant

5. knight

6 . captain

7. commander

8. general

and you will be high general


ranks for the navy:

1. sailor

2. navy trooper

3. boarder

4. first mate

5. captain

6. admiral

and you will be high admiral


npcs needed:

1. a soldier recruiter

2. a navy recruiter

3. a soldier district builder

4. a navy district builder

5. a group of smiths

6. a group of priests

7. you second in command

8. a crew of jailors

9. gaurds

10. lots and lots of soldiers


starting buildings in the soldier district:

main barracks

high general's qaurters

recruitment office

builder qaurters


buyable and upgradeable buildings via the builder:

6 new barrackss

basic blacksmith- upgraded blacksmith- legendary blacksmith

small prison- default prison- large prison- grand prison

small chapel with large praying room upgrade- chapel of akatosh- grand chapel off akatosh- great chapel of the divines

2 high ranking members barracks


upgradebale starting buildings via the builder

default main barracks- large main barracks with small armory- large main barracks with large armory- large main barracks with grand armory- grand main barracks with grand armory and small training room- grand main barracks with grand armory and large training room- grand main barracks with grand armory and grand training hall


starting buildings in the navy district:

ship building office

recruitment office

high admiral's qaurters

main barracks

builder qaurters


buyable navy district buildings via other builder:

docks- large docks- grand docks- massive docks

workplace- big workplace- grand workplace

5 new barracks

3 high ranking members baracks

labourer and craftsman recruiting buildin


upgradebale buildings in the navy district via other builder

the same upgrades for the main barracks

ship building office- decent shipbuilding office- great ship building office- grand ship building office


the cost and time for the new builddings in the soldier district

basic blacksmith (3 days and 2000 gold)

upgraded blacksmith (2 days and 3000 gold)

legendary blacksmith (4 days and 5000 gold)

small prison ( 4 days and 1000 gold)

default prison ( 3 days and 2000 gold)

large prison ( 5 days and 5000 gold)

grand prison (5 days and 6000 gold)

small chapel ( 1 day and 500 gold)

large praying room upgrade ( 1 day and 1000 gold)

chapel of akatosh ( 3 days and 2500 gold)

grand chapel of akatosh ( 7 days and 7500 gold)

great chapel of the divines ( 10 days and 10000 gold)

each new barracks (3 days and 3000 gold)

each high ranking member barracks (3 days and 4000 gold)


main barracks core upgrades:

large main barracks ( 5 days and 5000 gold)

grand main barracks (5 days and 7500 gold)

main barracks armory upgrades (becomes available after you build a large main barracks)

small armory (3 days and 3000 gold)

large armory (5 days and 5000 gold)

grand armory ( 7 days and 7500 gold)

main barracks training room upgrades (becomes available after you build a grand main barracks)

small training room (3 days and 3000 gold)

large training room ( 5 days and 5000 gold)

grand training room ( 7 days and 7500 gold)


navy district buyable buildings cost and time:

docks (3 days and 3000 gold)

large docks (5 days and 5000 gold)

grand docks ( 7 days and 7500 gold)

massive docks (10 days and 10000 gold)

workplace ( 4 days and 4000 gold)

big workplace (7 days and 7500 gold)

grand workplace (10 days and 10000 gold)

each new barracks (3 days and 3000 gold)

each high ranking members barracks (4 days and 4000 gold)

the labourer and craftsman recruiting office ( 5 days and 5000 gold comes with recruiter)

same upgrades for the main barracks

decent ship building office ( 3 days and 3000 gold)

great ship building office (5 days and 5000 gold)

grand ship building office ( 7 days and 7500 gold)


dialogou for the soldier recruiter ( P is player and R is for recruiter)


P: i need soldiers

R: of course how many men do you need

P: choices: 1/2/5/10

R: what cind of class would you like for them

P: choices: mage/battlemage/archer/warrior

R: in which barracks do they have to report

P: choices (depends on how many NORMAL barracks you have 1/2/3/4/5/6/main



dialogou for recruiting officers:

P: i need high ranking soldiers

R: certainly how many

P: choices: 1/2

R: excellent and what class

P: choices: mage/battlemage/archer/warrior

R: and wat barracks

P: choices depends on how many high ranking members baracks you have



dialogou is the same for navy recruiter



builder dialogou is just choose a upgrade or building and wait for it to finish



promote/ demote

you can take each soldier with you

officers can take over a normal barracks when commanded

take on the fake descendents army


and perhaps new armor


VICEI can you make this as an addon or a seperate plugin file, it sticks to the story and most of it is non combat



Legion district: far above the elvengardens district, will not give problems with imperial legion faction mod

navy district: unknown, awaiting update from VICEI


New and extra groups:

knights of the nine

imperial dragon knights

kvatch militia

bruma vetererans



New feature:

make compainions from mods other than companion share and recruit and cm partners high ranking leaders of your army and assign them to a specific group

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holy..... that's an entire new mod if you ask me :D

That would definitely be a plugin/patch otherwise...

I would like to add it... but I would like to have this mod finished in 3 weeks too...

I will consider putting in... but I think it will come in a patch.. cause you have...


If I would do it. I probably kept the difficulty low... that involves not bringing too difficult changes...

meaning...where do I have to place it ??. Cause its 'quite' possible.. but where to place the disctrict?

I would say behind the arena district.. but this one has still some landscape attached to it already probably...

Pfff...I'll take a look at cs first..


Nicely worked out though....


read you last line a little bit later ;)


Arena could be a possibility, but I would have to tear up all the land directly behind it...

I'll place it as an attachment on the site in 10 min or if you wish to make some adjustments first. I'll wait longer


Could be a port aside the current Legion District too, Cause its empty behind the prison(inside the district) anyway...

Still not enough room for all...


Put it on the site...

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Arena could be a possibility, but I would have to tear up all the land directly behind it...

I'll place it as an attachment on the site in 10 min or if you wish to make some adjustments first. I'll wait longer


Could be a port aside the current Legion District too, Cause its empty behind the prison(inside the district) anyway...

Still not enough room for all...


Put it on the site...

i was thinking for the navy district to put it next to the waterfront. by the way if you have trouble with the scripts for the building..... you can take the scripts from the order of the nibenay mod and edit them. the soldier district can be in imperial style and most of the upgradebale buildings can go up and underground. the only big building will be the great chapel the size of both districts will have to be as great as the palace and perhaps a gaurded road to each other. most of the soldier recruiting scripts can be taken from the private army mod, they only have to be cleaned up and if you have the cyrodill upgrade resource pack from dragon captions the different armors can be taken from that. and the navy district should be in anvil style and about the room perhaps where lake rumare is very great you can make the imperial isle a little bigger for the 2 districts and the walls can be imported from the palace itself.

---------------------------------------------------- edit

the soldier district would be with the most expandible building (main barracks) will be in the center with the chapel to the right and you qaurters to the left of it. the 8 other baracks would be placed against the north and east side of the wall and the other buildings on the wall. the navy district will have a part of the wall cut off where the docks will be builded and the other buildings except for the main barracks will be against the walls and the main barracks will be in front of those

----------------------------------------------------- edit

it will be a continous quest to entirely expand the 2 districts and until you have all your barracks filled up

perhaps we can vote about it together with slawter and aragorn if you should do it or not?

about the location the port can be created near the arena and the legion district can floating above the city using the imperial sky dome mod and cleaning it out and to connect those you can make a floating stair or 2 portals

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hmmm.but that would contradict a little with the temple of the one...I could create a smaller chapel, or a building which acts as a chapel.

Thought about the same thing..cause its quite open there...(placing near the water front)


Scripts will be fine, don't think that will be the biggest problem


'the 8 other barracks'!!!? Don't forget their cannot be that much people walking around, at the same time...

Would be a little empty, say 4 max should be ok...Cause there are going to be more than just barracks

and two districts? Its almost becoming bigger than the IC itself:P. Haha, owk I'm exaggerating.


The problem with the IC palace is ,that its outer rings are bigger than its inner ones... So I would have to shrink them. but then it would all get lower If I placed them fitting without shrinking, it would get to big etc.etc


I'll probably use the waterfront static again. But that's one big piece, so I cannot close it (simply) at one side.

(-Correction,more pieces, maybe there's some possibility-)

Maybe I can get a smaller ring like the one from the prison, which can hold some more important buildings

Haha, well lifting it up to the sky is a solve, but its a bit buggy if you ask me..It would give more work than needed.

But the more important, it would be terrible to be used by an npc/guard/soldier..


The armor could be easily done by ourself (myself). Just an emblem/logo for the soldiers would be needed.

Only changing the present armor slightly (darker/lighter/color change like to brown...)


But it would definitely be in a patch..cause it will take more than three days to create this....

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hmmm.but that would contradict a little with the temple of the one...I could create a smaller chapel, or a building which acts as a chapel.

Thought about the same thing..cause its quite open there...(placing near the water front)


Scripts will be fine, don't think that will be the biggest problem


'the 8 other barracks'!!!? Don't forget their cannot be that much people walking around, at the same time...

Would be a little empty, say 4 max should be ok...Cause there are going to be more than just barracks

and two districts? Its almost becoming bigger than the IC itself:P. Haha, owk I'm exaggerating.


The problem with the IC palace is ,that its outer rings are bigger than its inner ones... So I would have to shrink them. but then it would all get lower If I placed them fitting without shrinking, it would get to big etc.etc


I'll probably use the waterfront static again. But that's one big piece, so I cannot close it (simply) at one side.

(-Correction,more pieces, maybe there's some possibility-)

Maybe I can get a smaller ring like the one from the prison, which can hold some more important buildings

Haha, well lifting it up to the sky is a solve, but its a bit buggy if you ask me..It would give more work than needed.

But the more important, it would be terrible to be used by an npc/guard/soldier..


The armor could be easily done by ourself (myself). Just an emblem/logo for the soldiers would be needed.

Only changing the present armor slightly (darker/lighter/color change like to brown...)


But it would definitely be in a patch..cause it will take more than three days to create this....

what about using the imperial sky domme mod

chapels and other buildings can be copied right is doesn't has to be new

wht about capes to marks the ranks


i dont understand if you download that mod and clear out the interior and add ALL the buildings i said i toke so many barracks so there was a balancing for each barracks and the only thing you have to add in the skydome is portal to the navy district

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Well I think, the waterfront has enough room. I have looked around a little bit and we've got enough to play with...:)

so you can just copy and edit everything does that take long?


:unsure: :thanks:

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I'll teach you the rest....

I think you could learn a lot from your own idea.. and most parts aren't difficult...

Problem is the time...I could only give a full picture of the idea. When I'm ready to begin with it..

In the meantime, you could do some already, though...

Let me think about it...



Owk it will be working from two directions...but I'll find some way to do it..

I'll create some place for you... So you can travel to it to look.

Inside the CS. You could clutter the area's and add all requirements there will be...

You may/must take all the time you need. Cause I cannot really add any things that will be exterior until 2 or more weeks...

I'll upload it today or tomorrow... I'll post it here....

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