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K all. Here it is. Soldiers Journal: Battle of Ald'ruhn. This is probaly what I would consider one of my best writings yet, so I hope y'all like it. Coming soon: 'Fall of the Old Holds', 'Soldiers Journal: Battle of Kvatch', and 'Effects of the Oblivion Crisis on Tamriel'.

( Now, I copied and pasted it + put on a document with it. Before, I don't think way too many people downloaded my other books when I just put the document.)


Battle of Ald’ruhn

Written by an Anonymous Redoran Soldier


Librarians Note- This journal was found soon after the sacking of Ald’ruhn, Vvardenfall, laying in the ruins of the Under-Skar, where the Redoran soldiers apparently made their last stand. Though the real journal is now in the Redoran library at Vivec, this is an exact recopy of the original.


1st Morndas of Second Seed, 3E 433

I was awoken early this morning. I heard the calling, the yelling of the guards. I ran out of my station in the South Tower Barracks, only to hear the loud screaming that only a Stilt Strider could procure. Looking up, I saw the huge beast fall with a crash, smashing much of the West wall and North Gate tower. Dust flew everywhere, blinding me momentarily. When the dust finally settled, I saw a crimson sky above me, darkening the already blackened Ashlands. Nearby, the Stilt Strider lie, blood trickling from its opened side. As I turned around, I saw a startling sight. A fiery, orange-red gateway, stood in the open entry area. Pouring out of it were things that looked much like guars, followed by giant men brandishing axes and warhammers. Some of them wore blood red armor, which looked much like that that you could find in a daedric ruin, whilst others wore nothing but tattoos and armored greaves. They looked much like us dunmer, but sounded much different and had a slightly different build. They all gave war whoops, then trampled over the dead Stilt Strider, rushing in through the hole in the wall. I myself did not have any armor on, as I had just finished a night patrol only hours ago. After an order by my captain, I ran back into the barracks, grabbed a sword and shield, and returned outside to fight. But as I readied myself, I was once again ordered by my captain to assist a group of elites in guarding the Manor District, where I now sit writing this entry. I’m now outfitted in a suit of Redoran armor, kindly given to me by one of our elder councilors. I heard one of the councilors speaking, saying that a legionnaire from Buckmoth had arrived only moments before the beginning of the siege, saying that the fort had been overrun by these same demons early in the morning. “We had heard word from Nordic Soldiers, speaking of an assault on their province, but I thought those were nothing more than rumors.” The councilor had said.

2nd Tirdas of Second Seed, 3E 433

I went back above ground today. I was asked by Councilor Nemidia to retrieve an ancient Redoran Relic from above, inside the Council Club building. The minute I stepped up, I knew I would regret it. The crimson sky illuminated my face red, and I was hit by a sudden frisk of burning hot air. Quickly, the gate to the Under-Skar was closed, and I looked at my surroundings. More of the Fiery Gates had opened, and lit the city up with flame. Hundreds of thousands of the Guar-like creatures ran around, followed by their blood-red armored masters. Silently, I snaked around the Skar, waiting to come up to the Council building. As I walked, I saw the central plaza, with its once-great structures around it nothing more than hollowed shells. Bodies littered the streets, some from civilians, others from guards, even my captain lie motionless on the ground, blood flowing from his chest. I saw broken bottles, their contents spilling on the ground, inside the Mages Guild, broken swords and burning training dummies in the Fighters Guild. The Rat in the Pot inn was no more, and it was the same for the Morag Tong building. Eventually, I couldn’t watch the carnage and burning city, so I turned my head to look for the other building. But I was dismayed when I arrived at the front of the Skar, and I saw rock and shell blocking the entrance of the Council Club. Seeing that there would be no chance of digging through the rock before being seen by the demons, I turned and snaked back the the Under-Skar. Using the secret knock I was told to do when I returned, I helped the inner guards open the door. Seeing me return empty handed, a look of sadness came over Councilor Nemida’s face. I told him about the destruction of the Council Club, and he agreed that there was nothing more I could do. Hearing of the destruction, a great frown fell over his face. He quickly thanked me again, then ran into his Manor, which had become headquarters for the nobility. I myself am sitting on the second floor of an abandoned manor, writing this entry. I fear that the Skar will not hold up much longer, as I can hear the demons screaming and attempting to break through the great shell. I know that they will get in eventually, and once they do, no one will be safe.


3rd Middas of Second Seed, 3E 433

It happened. Late last night, the demons broke a hole in the shell. I watched through a window as they slaughtered Councilor Nemida, who had gone out in an attempt to make peace with them. The minute he stepped out, he was struck in the chest with a fireball, and then a large claymore was brought down, causing his head to roll away. Currently, I and five others are locked up in that same abandoned manor where I wrote my last entry. I’ve found an old vault on the second floor, and forced it open with a crowbar from the basement. I will put this journal inside, along with several other Redoran relics, in hopes that someone will find them in the near future, should the entirety of Tamriel not be destroyed. I must go now, as I can already hear the door downstairs being bashed inwards. But, should this journal be found, let it be known that the final Redorans of Ald’ruhn fought valiantly, courageously, and did everything to preserve their fair city.


Librarians note: Though the rest of the relics that were mentioned in the journal were mostly burned up in the fire that gutted the mansion later on, it is believed that the writer may have put some sort of fire-proof enchantment on the book, as it was very scarcely burned. All that was found that remained of the writer were some horribly charred bones, and what was left of his Bonemold armor.

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It's okay. Not the most riveting read; but good, solid, blue-collar writing.


Well done.


Now I am Not Big on Office slang But what is this supposed to mean????

Blue Collar Writing does this imply I should be in a cubical to read this???


Andy great work Good to see you still Slapin' De keyboard man :)

I enjoyed this very much great read.


:) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


3 thumbs up cause i am mutated from so much Fallout




ha ha

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i posted this earlier , you said you would make the landscape so here is my old post


imperial are you still willing too help me on the palace than i have something you can help me with. i do not know if you can landscape but if you kan make the highest peak in the valus mountains unreacchable make it so hard that i need to make a tunnel to get there also make tht peak have a big flat area for the palace itself. it needs to be very big for it is a fortress, safe haven, legion base and palace Thanks

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