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i have an idea for an in-game book you receive after you complete the quests with a detailed description of your adventures

i'll post it here when i wrote, think it will be tomorrow

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i have a idea, you know all the big quest mods and other big mods always have an ingame customization menu for extra role-playing and personal points of interest. we should make one to because everything in the quests is made for a warrior. for example the dragon blood quest, you find a sword to get blood. i have 2 characters, 1 archer and 1 mage, they can't handle a sword, they would die in 2 seconds. so with the customomisation menu, you can get a diferent weapon: for an archer enchanted arrows and for a mage some scrolls. and for the book some name changed and stuff. it should be done
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Ow that..but you cannot kill the dragon. Its like the vampire quest. You don't need (actually cannot) kill the dragon..

You just need some blood, that super coincidently, only can be done via that particular weapon.

The dragon will fly away after then.... or something..thats what we had, I think....Cause it would be a shame

to finally see a dragon, being (almost) extinct, you killing the last one :).

I totally agree though.. Was a flaw of the vanilla game...forcing you into probably selling the equipment...

So its a good option..think it's ok.. I'll imagine something that forces you to choose one

(Maybe you can see all three, just one can be taken...etc)

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I'm back.Maybe you could put some strong enemies before the dragon, something like four doors, one leads to the dragon, so this one will be locked.The other three could be one where you battle with a mage and get a scroll, another one where you battle an archer and get enchanted arrows, another one where you battle a warrior and get an enchanted sword.The mage, the archer and the warrior will have the key to the dragon, but the door to the other rooms lock when you choose one.
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I'm back.Maybe you could put some strong enemies before the dragon, something like four doors, one leads to the dragon, so this one will be locked.The other three could be one where you battle with a mage and get a scroll, another one where you battle an archer and get enchanted arrows, another one where you battle a warrior and get an enchanted sword.The mage, the archer and the warrior will have the key to the dragon, but the door to the other rooms lock when you choose one.

yes but you have to know wich door leads to which enemy

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Hey..great idea.. Perhaps I'll do a message box..near the doors. Then a weapon, a scroll and an arrow appear before each door. (Doing nothing, not the real deal..)

Or perhaps in the distance.. for real...

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Hey..great idea.. Perhaps I'll do a message box..near the doors. Then a weapon, a scroll and an arrow appear before each door. (Doing nothing, not the real deal..)

Or perhaps in the distance.. for real...

you were going to point me out that script for the recruiter(few posts ago)

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