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Empires Glory


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I'd say tell what the main quest in it is about and put a link to the first page of this topic there

we have to make them curious we should leave this to slawter

goodnight i am going yo bed it is 1o clock btw did you get the pm i send you

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Lol hi everyone


Firstly thanks for the support random dave.


Secondly I was going to include the battle of Bruma scenes in the trailer(I haven't started yet)

Mainly featuring Martin saying "The Empire will stand or fall by what we do here today" and "Soldiers of Cyrodil, do you stand with me?!"As it ties in rather well, Some shots of the IC and random scenery seems to go into every trailer, A tiny part of the End video will come in, The Amulet was shattered, then maybe a couple of voice recordings, we cant just have stuff from the game, need to give at least a tiny taster of the mod with some custom voices.I'l have some music playing aswell.


I haven't started this yet, i'm going to try and finish a bit more of the ayleid ruin for Mage vs Necromancer dungeon shard quest before i begin work on the trailer.


we should leave this to slawter


Ah making people curious through the file thing on tesnexus, sure is it up yet or shall i create it?

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