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Just tested the first part... It's a bit small; I think I'm going to make it bigger. My first attempt at making a nice scripted encounter worked nice;

when the player enters the large room, he'll see two little bandit encampments. One of them gets crushed by rocks. Fun to watch, really.



I want the first part to be twice as big as it is now, so it'll take a little longer than I anticipated. Will be worth it, though.


(Too bad I completely suck at lighting. It looks ok now, but it's nothing special...)

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We're aproaching 3k views! we are currently on 2862!


Also my trailer is going to be delayed....


Im still getting the hang of video editing, I've got a friend whos pretty good at it but hes kinda busy right now, But i need to record the parts needed in better quality.

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Doesn't matter. Better some good vid, than a vid which lets people think.. is that all?

(I'm trying to optimize some scripts, right now...)

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DUDE go to sleep! Geez its late lol. Dont be me!


But ya in all seriousness, take your time with that vid. As vicICE said, it is much better to have a highquality, time spent trailer than a rush job leaving people feeling empty about the mod.

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One of the reason I wished a 'huh?' was recorded by Bethesda.. For those circumstances :).

Yeah, I've been looking for something like that... Couldn't find anything.


Guess the bandits will be silent then.

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