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Sofia - a funny, fully voiced and scripted follower(WIP)


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Just tried this mod, and it's pretty impressive, but not without flaws in my opinion. her apperance is amazing, she's definitely a full 10 and then some. voice acting is great, no complains there. However the written dialogue is what stand in my way to completely fall in love with her. most of her jokes are about her looks or sexual things in general, including some fap jokes and fairly basic intercourse remarks which I believe comes from the fact that she's suppose to have a crush on you. For a teenager suffering from pimples this might be the greatest thing ever, but I find it rather blunt. first of all, she's already gorgeous, no need to shift players focus on her looks with dialogue, it's completely unnecessary, annoying and prevents further character depth. as it stands now, she's just a groupie constantly waiting to jump on your dick, but even that option will always remain unreachable. She does have few good jokes and charming remarks that don't reference to 'the dragonborn cuming' or 'scratching her itchy spot' or whatever and i wish the creators would've focused either on that side or creating more backstory and character depth in general. Now the love for this character feels forced as it is, because she constantly likes to remind you how hot she is, I think if turned dialogue focus the other way, the love for this character would come more naturally. the obsession of dragonborn should be removed. But that's just my opinion which refers to my general taste in women, I guess most people feel completely satisfied with her as she is now, and I can't blame you for having a different taste.

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Well I must admit you are probably the first person to say that but that's fair enough, I would be surprised if everyone rated her a perfect 10 out of 10. The thing is she isn't made to reflect your taste in women. As you said there is a variety of jokes and not all of them revolve around sex or her looks but hey that's just my sense of humour and the mod is made for myself. The spotty male teenager is clearly just a stereotype though and I have seen many women and older men laughing at those jokes and I am hardly a teen or one of those basement dwelling stereotypes myself.


If you want a complex back story and a character with tons of depth then you really have picked the wrong follower as she is just purely for the fun factor which I think I have made pretty clear. She is clearly not normal and doesn't fit within the realms of what is socially acceptable and that is what I try to get across. I see no reason to change a winning formula as without trying to make a big deal out of it, she couldn't really be doing any more successful in the short time she has been released and her written dialogue often gets a lot of praise. Whether you say it's because of 12 year olds or spotty teens or whatever makes very little difference to me. Anyway thank you for your feedback, I do respect your right to an opinion whether I agree or not.

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yeah, the spotty teenager reference was a bit too strong I guess, I shouldn't degrade senses of humor that differs from mine it's quite ignorant. I do regret that, and I apologize. Feel like I've spent too many words on expressing my displeasment of dialogue which sort of distorted my complete view on the character. She's still my main follower and I can only try to imagine the tremendous amount of work you've put in to make this mod. No other follower offers that amount of detail and usually are used as a mule for heavy crap. Sofia has the biggest humane factor, she feels the least artificial and can't even be compared to the followers in the original release. In other words, she feels present as a persona, not only as a walking texture. You're right, this mod reached almost 9k endorsements for a reason, and to change the character based on my sole opinion would be irrational and the last thing i'd expect from you as a creator. And even though I wouldn't rate her 10/10, I'd give her at least 8/10 or 9/10 which is pretty fair I think. I wasn't trying to say that she should be tied to main story or anything, I do understand her purpose to be a charming sexy beast, in which you succeded, even though as i said before, I do think that focus on sexual references could be toned down because I think charming qualities can be achieved better in other types of phrasation. But this critique is based only on my opinion, and outside of my personal zone - stops being a flaw , especially keeping in mind that public opinion seems to be very positive as it is. As you mentioned - she wasn't created to reflect my taste in women, it would be rather narcisistic to expect it to be :D anyway, just some points to paint the complete picture. If you'll ever find yourself in the mood of creating another follower, you can take these into consideration (even though you don't have to, and even shouldn't because you seemed to found a winning formula. but I dunno - maybe you'll feel like taking a different approach into character building.). on the ending note I'll just add that you did a great job and as a user of this mod I do appreciate your efforts, it DID make the game better.

Edited by kietas558
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Her dialogue was my fiancee's only complaint. I've never seen her drool over another woman - real or virtual - like that before. But she finds Sofia to be a bit...egotistical, perhaps? Personally, I love her, she's sexy and she knows it (girl look at that dragon, girl look at that dragon, girl look at that dragon ah-ah I can Shout)

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  • 2 weeks later...

(English isn't my natural language... I can understand it when is speaked to me, but probably i'll make some mistakes writing it, so please excuse me for that :p)

First than anything i love this follower, she adds something that Skyrim lacks: humor.


However i've been having some problems lately... Sofia isn't making random comments and i don't know why


I've tried changing the options in MCM, but nothing. I can speak to her and everything else, but she isn't talking to me randomly anymore (other companions like cerwiden do it, maybe Sofia is mad at me U.U)


Any ideas?


P.S.1: This was my first comment in all the forums :D

P.S.2: Please make another follower some day like this one... It would be awesome to have 2 followers made by you and the idea of them interacting each other would be even more awesome :3

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Unfortunately it seems like your Sofia has bugged out. I think the only way of correcting that kind of problem is by doing a full reset of Sofia. The instructions for this are in the FAQ in the mod description: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527/? remember to take your stuff back first otherwise you will lose it. I have no idea what would have caused it though I'm afraid so you will just have to hope it doesn't happen again.


I think this will be my only follower for Skyrim. Two voiced follower mods for Skyrim is just too ambitious, Sofia has taken over 10 months. Also after working with Christine working with anyone else wouldn't be the same. Christine really is one of a kind. You can expect much more content for Sofia though.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have the sofia mod from steam, but i loaded the generic body from here for cbbe which work great btw. However my problem is anytime i make a alt character and go to her the mcm menu for combat is blank. I do this about level 5 or 8 like my first guy. I can switch back and fourth and my guy her combat style works like it is suppose to, however any alt i do the bottom two boxes of setting are blank with nothin in them. I did set level stuff and got her to my level but still no change. This has been happening for couple months now way before i downloaded the cbbe body replacement. I would just love it if I could use her as tank or another ranger, she is just to funny not to play the game without her.


If ANYONE has this problem with the combat skills not working for her customization style or the section is blank. Go to the nexus page and follow every step for reset for her. It fixed my problem, still dont know why it did it but you just need to go to stables after you do the reset steps to have her join you.

Edited by skinnymb82508
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  • 2 weeks later...

hi, brilliant mod, i have become quite attached to Sofia as a follower, i consider her my Gabriel (Xena) or Kenzi (Lost Girl), every time i fight a dragon i ignore the npcs standing around cheering me and run straight to Sofia to see if she's hurt and make sure she's OK.


but i am having trouble dressing her. she refuses to wear a cheat god ring that i gave her, so that i know she wont die (yes i know i can summon her again) and it is hard to make her accept the matching outfits. i installed MCM over SkyUI and i want to have a way in MCM to dictate what she wears and what weapons or spells to use?


maybe make her essential so she doesnt have to have a god ring?

Edited by Highlandish
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