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Morroblivion ate my music!


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That might be something to go for: pretty much all the music has some metadata to it, but the music that does play has less. No titles or numbers, just creator names.

Hmph.... then backup your music folder first, delete all metadata from those mp3 files with any means and check if the game would play them... (I wonder if bitrate also matters. If not, I'd try to replace all the vanilla tracks from OST I bought from steam)

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That might be something to go for: pretty much all the music has some metadata to it, but the music that does play has less. No titles or numbers, just creator names.

Hmph.... then backup your music folder first, delete all metadata from those mp3 files with any means and check if the game would play them... (I wonder if bitrate also matters. If not, I'd try to replace all the vanilla tracks from OST I bought from steam)


How would I go around to doing either of those things? Deleting the metadata, or restoring the original soundtrack?

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To remove tags you can use program which I already mentioned - MP3Tag (https://www.mp3tag.de). On this page there are versions even for old Win 95/98/NT4. With this you can remove tags with one click.


I tested it and confirmed that tags are the real problem for Oblivion, not encoding quality (at least up to 320 kb/s).


If you want restore original music and you haven't backups or another source (like OST - Original Sound Track), the only way would be to reinstall Oblivion. But as most files are in bsa and installer on my DVD seems touching only files it needs, there's a chance that you will spared of reinstalling your mods too.

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Well, with tags removed and encoding quality not exceed 320kb/s (in fact I still don't know if Oblivion can handle more, but I confirmed that 320kb/s isn't problem and I haven't mp3s with higher quality), there shouldn't be any technical obstacle now.


Did you removed the tags in same way I did? Executed MP3Tag->changed directory->marked all files with Ctrl+A->removed tags using red cross icon(still all files marked)->saved changes using floppy icon(still all files marked). I used older version (3.05) as I use Win7 with such old games and soft.


If you still hear only silence, there is only one tiresome way - manual check. Depending on there you are now, move out all mp3s from dir except one (for wilderness it should be Explore dir, for city or your home Public etc.) and rename this one with index 01 (if not already have this index). If you hear it playing, move it out to some temp dir for "good" mp3s (rename its index first too). If not, move it to some dir for "bad" ones. After this the "bad" ones need to be checked again and if differences can't be found, sadly you must accept that you can't use them for Oblivion.

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Executed MP3Tag->changed directory->marked all files with Ctrl+A->removed tags using red cross icon(still all files marked)->saved changes using floppy icon(still all files marked). I used older version (3.05) as I use Win7 with such old games and soft.

Nah, I just emptied every field on the left, manually. Didn't even notice the red cross icon at first. So tiny, up there.


Did it as you did, and now everything runs fine. I'm hearing a lot more music - probably all of it, but it'll take a while to be sure because there is quite a bit.


Case closed. Thanks for the help.

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