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Attacked at fort dawnguard


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I tried to start the dawnguard quest today, my char is already a vamp (got turned accidentally by a master attack), but when I enter fort dawnguard i'm attacked on sight. It looks like the Vigilant guy attacks first and the rest follow.

About 2 days before (in-game time) my char got attacked in the wilderness by some vigilants - they attacked me without provocation.


I'm assuming that this is a mod problem, as i've read that I should be able to at least start dawngaurd as a vampire (they shouldnt see that i'm a vamp). Isran even has dialogue for finding out your a vampire later, right? Can anyone help?


I have the Vampire Upgrade mod and a lot of others.

Edited by Axeface
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I wouldn't say it's a mod problem, but then i have never started the dawnguard questline as a vampire so i can't say if it works or not. You can just use the console to set yourself as human again then go back to vamp afterwards.


player.setrace nordrace

player.setrace nordracevampire


etc etc

Edited by Dominoes666
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Yeh I suppose I could do that, so immersion breaking though.


Surely beth wouldn't have stopped players from being able to start the entire questline as vampire, after throwing master vampire spawns everywhere at level 8? That's why I assume it's a mod because it would be silly if it's intentional. It's very easy to get turned with dawnguard installed before starting the quest.


EDIT: I just found this in the Vampire Upgrade description.....


"Vigilant of Stendarr faction members are hostile against player in any stage."



I think the mod is scripted heavily so I can't just remove it and continue, sigh.

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They ARE vampire hunters. and it's equally easy to cure it before it infects you fully. You could go do the cure quest for Falion in Morthal if you dont want to use the console.


Edit: the dawngurad aren't part of the vigilant faction, they are listed as DLC1HunterFaction

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They ARE vampire hunters. and it's equally easy to cure it before it infects you fully. You could go do the cure quest for Falion in Morthal if you dont want to use the console.

They shouldnt know it though, just like you can walk around in towns and everyone says "Your looking very pale, are you ok"?

For this reason you should be able to at least start the quest and get into the story before he finds out - this is how it's intended and there is some evidence for that, eg, he has the dialogue.

It would also be cretinous for beth to expect everyone to become a vampire, find cure quest, do cure quest, start dawnguard, side with vampires - all to become a vampire lord.


I didn't even know that falions quest was for curing vampirism >:(




Edit: the dawngurad aren't part of the vigilant faction, they are listed as DLC1HunterFaction

There is a vigilant of stendarr in fort fawnguard talking to Isran at the start, he's the one that start attacking me and then the rest follow.

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They ARE vampire hunters. and it's equally easy to cure it before it infects you fully. You could go do the cure quest for Falion in Morthal if you dont want to use the console.

They shouldnt know it though, just like you can walk around in towns and everyone says "Your looking very pale, are you ok"?


People in towns aren't dedicated vampire hunters though are they. You are a vampire, vampire hunters attack you. You want this to not happen and complain of immersion breakage? Then you can't be helped.


Also i made it all the way to lvl 48 before starting dawnguard and didn't get turned once, came close a couple times but the big red flash across my screen kinda pointed out something was wrong. It's only your fault here.


Looks like you have two choices, uninstall that vamp mod or get falions cure.

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Can anyone else assist? I have seen it elsewhere that is indeed designed to be possible to start as a vamp, can anyone else confirm?


Dominoes666. I don't care if it's 'my fault', I don't care if YOU think they should attack me, I want to start the quest without jumping through hoops, as it is intended (I think).

And congratulations?

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I have given you 3 viable solutions and you aren't doing them for reasons that are foolish or based on just not wanting to accept my help. I'm done with this thread. You can complain more about your "immersion" where you want vampire hunters to not attack vampires.


Edit: I even spent time pointing out the bug to the vampire mods author in th hope he patches it for you. glad one of us isn't being childish.

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What on earth are you talking about? I was going to report it on the mods page once I confirmed that this behaviour is NOT vanilla. I have seen reports that claim it's normal, and posts that claim it isnt.

I want to solve the problem, reload before entering and contunue without problems, in a way that doesn't involve messing around in the console. This would also allow me to fix it for future playthrough or perhaps release a fix.

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