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Mod Suggestion: Follower Faction/guild


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I'm going to start off by saying I have NO illusions about how much work this'd take and im fully aware that its a hell of a big thing to ask and I'd do it myself but if its to be done then it should be done by someone with experience and who actually knows what they're doing.


My idea is, simply enough that the dragonborn throughout the story meets dozens of people who would quite willingly follow him to their graves and to the ends of tamriel and though the player can become the leader of several factions none of them really belong to the player they're all long standing things that you neither really lead nor have any real affect on outside of their main quest so my suggestion is this, a new faction founded by the player and their followers that wouldn't just be new perks for the player or a new house but an actual goal something to fight for and work for and a link to all the other factions and quests in the game it'd be a hub for the player and their followers.


okay now that I've described the general idea here are my ideas for its actual mechanics and purpose, the faction would start once the player has earned a number of followers (say 3) this doesn't include hired ones and then after a period of time has passed for the player and those followers to bond it could open up a new dialog option with those characters where you can have a conversation that ends with them forming a faction (or alternatively I thought about having a fan type character who comes and finds the player after completing a certain number of quests and suggests forming a faction with the dragonborn as the leader) once the faction is formed the player chooses a location to set up the guild hall (from a list of have a pre-defined location if you want to save yourself some time making the mod) then the player could do a litle hearthfire style building or maybe just have the player pay for it with gold, the guild hall itself would be (when complete) a main hall with a large barracks with enough beds for all followers pluss a few extra for mod added followers, a mess hall for food, servants quaters, player quarters, trophy room (perhaps with special trophies earned form completing major quest lines for example a scale from alduin or harkons vampire armour), an armoury, then things like an alchemy lab and an enchanting lab and a training room obviously add your own ideas another possible addition would be an embassy so ambassadors from other factions your a part of can contact you these would probably have to be new NPC's to avoid conflicts but they could for example give you and reward you for radiant quests to save traveling to the individual guild halls and perhaps also provide you with some of those guilds benefits so an ambassador from the mages guild can supply soul gems and staffs while an ambassador from the thieves guild could supply stealth potions and leather gear and one from say the dawnguard (which would have to be a module) would provide crossbows and crossbow bolts and maybe some dawnguard weapons?(you could also have one if you chose to join harkons vampires that sold blood potions and that kind of thing)


One of the main ideas around the mod and thats that the faction would be a hub for quests, people would come or send word when they needed help from the dragonborn and this would mean the player as soon as they reach the requirements for a quest would recieve word at their guild hall from a steward type NPC informing the player that say "a museum dedicated to the crimson dawn has opened in dawnstar and I've heard rumours that the propieter has fragments of a daedric artefact perhaps you should investigate?" that kind of alfred the butler dutifully informing his master of where he is needed.


obviously you'd need to make it so the player could order followers to move into the hall which could only be done if theres enough beds and maybe even send them out to do radiant quests and bounties to bring in a bit of extra gold? and have an assassins creed style power where you can temporarily call in a random selection of followers once a day to help you for a short while?


I'd also suggest making this with the idea of it being used with UFO and convenient horses? since they're extremely commonly used both fit the theme of the player having a proper faction?


oh and as a final suggestion perhaps make it possible for dead followers to be replaced? have a NPC come maybe even using all the same sound assets to take their place?XD just because loosing all your followers sucks </3 OR have any followers that "die" appear in a medical wing of the guild hall and have to do a short fetch quest to get something that can heal them? I dunno


so yeah thats my idea if you read all that thank you and I pray to god that someone with some damned good modding skills decides to use it! :D

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I haven't read the entire thing, yet. But I'm assuming you're getting at: we should have a guild that the dragonborn creates and actually runs (as opposed to the "hey, I'm the boss of the College of Winterhold" except that you do NOTHING with it). Anyone would be able to join as long as they like you enough. And you could probably get them to go do different things.


This would take a bit of work but should be doable. It'd involve a few different things: new ai packages which we can steal from other guilds like the companions (for getting the NPCs to go do things), getting them to follow you (which can be done, there are a few mods that make anyone able to be a follower), getting them to stay once they're in place (My Home is Your Home does this). And the most complex part, setting up new quests that you can send them on dynamically and getting them to interact with one another.


Personally, I'd just see those mod authors about making those mods required and not even attempting to do them yourself.


About the medical wing thing, that would be fairly easy, I think. Make them essential, and when their health drops below a certain percentage (enough to make them enter bleedout) and move them, massively lower their regen rate, and don't allow them to leave.


I might have the skill to do this, but it has the potential to turn into a massive undertaking which I don't have the time for. But those are a few elements that would be needed by anyone who decided to undertake this.

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you've more or less hit the nail on the head with everything there from what I know about modding and the mods I've seen all my ideas SHOULD be possible and with very few conflicts outside of follower quests and maybe the guild location might conflict other mods that add structures (big as skyrim is there are surprisingly few locations for REALLY good player bases currently have 4 house mods making a ring around the throat of the world in my own game) I want to get into modding and if I had come up with his 4 months ago when I had infinite time to just mess with the CK I would get started on this mod myself but I only have about 4 hours in the house a day myself these days and my weekends are all sworn away >.< one day this mod shall be made dammit

thanks for your input ^_^

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