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Skinning a mesh for Fallout New Vegas


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I have an educational license of 3ds max 2012 and all of the tools and import/exporters I need. I want to skin a mesh of full body armor to the skeleton of Fallout New Vegas. I dug around for a bit and could find a tutorial for blender, as well as some for skyrim, but none for fallout and 3ds max. If anyone could point me to a detailed (I am very new to 3ds max and am only capable of very basic manipulation.) tutorial on skinning a mesh with no animation data to the fallout new vegas skeleton, that would be most helpful. I really want to get some of my character models in game, but I really don't know how. If it matters, the mesh I have is a single piece .obj mesh.


Thanks for your time,


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Can't think of any tutorials off-hand, but you're going to want to do the following:


3DS max has superb documentation, by the way if you just hit the help key inside of the program.


1) Using .niftools, import the skeleton that you want (found most likely in meshes\characters\_male) into your scene;


2) Select your armor and in the modifier tab, select 'Skin' from the list of modifiers.


3) Now in the skin dialogue, add a bone and you should have a list of bones from the skeleton you imported.


Click on 'Edit Envelopes' with a bone selected in the 'skin' modifier and you can begin painting weights on to your armor mesh.

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