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[WIP] Apocalypse New


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Fair question, and yes consuming power would be great.


I assume it doesn't break past essential or protected status so, amping up your follower for 10 seconds and then they are out for the rest of the fight.


Atronach mark sounds useful for followers to be able to utilize as well.


Power of the master as well.


These just sound like interesting spells you could use as a support character in general. They might even serve as a good filler for your restoration tree at least the ones that don't blow the target up at the end.


For instance atronach mark could be something like "Mark of Judgement" causing the same effect as Atronach mark but basing its damage on what faction the target belongs to. Bandits get a ton of damage. Guards not so much.


Might be interesting to be able to have and change your patron saint to for the purposes of judgement to cause different levels of damage to different targets. OR even have different effects...


ie Mara loves everyone and all factions get healing from the mark placed. But Molag bal causes targets to stagger then switch sides as if dominated.


... May be leaving the confines of restoration though with molag bal though... I'm sure you can imagine what kind of judgements different divines might inflict though.

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I figured I'd chime in on this since I absolutely cannot play the game without Apoc and hearing about this new part (I'm two weeks late almost, I know and I apologize!), I'm absolutely stoked that I can't even contain my anticipation for more goodies to throw at my mage! Makes me wanna wait until the beta is released before making my first official playthrough!



Now what I liked about it isn't in regards with the spells. People who find magecraft too easy either know the magic system well, or they're not playing on Legendary, or both of those scenarios. Through several half finished playthroughs I always had issues due to tactic failing. This is what I love about Apoc, the chance at actually experimenting with a larger arsenal of spells.


Some things that I would personally LOVE to see implemented (but would totally understand if they weren't due to either implementation of it and the possibility of it being incompatible, or how the engine itself reacts to these sorts of things) :


1) Spell components! Exhaustible spell components, maybe some verbal ones? Someone was working on a mod that added Baldur's Gate incantations, but I never used it because, well... It doesn't make EVERY spell have an incantation. Modded that is. While we won't be able to have somatics (at least in lower spectrum spells), verbal and items would be good enough. This would notably make the game harder as you would have to have items in your inventory to cast said spells. If you didn't have said item, you couldn't cast said spell. However with the engine, I don't know if this is possible. I wouldn't think so, but I've been known to be wrong and I don't know SKSE functions all that well. So I could definitely understand if this would be a no, but I figured I'd place the idea out there just in case it IS possible.


2) The second thing that I'd love to see implemented is tactic 'trainers'. Not in terms of increasing skill, but teaching new people to the mod about the diverse casting abilities. Maybe a voice acted NPC that has a class at Winterhold? Or in a place all of it's own? The con to this is that Apoc itself adds a TON of spells already and covering them all would be time consuming enough, but even limiting it to basic more common spells in conjunction with vanilla spells would be pretty nice to see. It would promote the experimenting part for those who either haven't fully delved into Magecraft itself, or need a general idea of where to go. I could also understand if this one would be a no too as not only with the time consuming portion of creating such a thing, it would also potentially have more scripts involved which could be a bad idea to people who are very skeptical about scripted mods.


3) Vendor Lists. Some vendors have a huge list of spells, including vanilla spells. I don't think there's a way to change this though. It doesn't bother me as, well... I buy them one by one when I have the gold to get them, however it could bewilder some people, especially if there's more spells to be added. I could also understand if this was a no due to leveled lists with vendors.


4) More shock and fire spells. Maybe spells of those with different colors and effects. If you want, I could send you my old stuff Enai and you can put them in. Though note, that I only have the basic effect of Sparks finished. But I have the meshes! After all, you taught me how to work them, it's only fair that I give a hand somewhere where I know how I can!


5) One thing that I think would be REALLY interesting is having enemies use the spells. I think some mods actually allow that to happen, but they also give enemies shouts. If this is possible without conflicting with leveled lists in general, I'd love to see this happen!


Some things I didn't like was just relying on the menu on what spells do. I also had that problem with the vanilla magic system and I've been thinking of a way to change that. If you didn't want to do the NPC 'trainer', maybe those of us active in the mod write descriptions and put it in an immersive point of view to put into books that could be distributed through an optional plugin file. I would be more than happy to help with this too if you consider it. But again I could understand if this was a no because of again, leveled lists, vendor incompatibilities, etc. To make sure that it WAS compatible with the mods, both would have to have a dependency on the plugins, but that's why I love WyreBash. :3


I have a few other ideas bouncing in my brain, but I wanted to see if you felt okay with these ideas first. Some of the ones bouncing in my brain are relevant to those in both manners if you are considering them or if it's a no. But I'll be following this topic because, well.. I'm right there with you! We need moar idearz! Especially with spells. Whether it's implementation, mechanics, or just little odds and ends. Some other ideas I might discuss with you in PMs if that's alright with you. :o

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I wonder whether I should upload this as a separate mod or an Apocalypse update. A new mod = more attention and videos/endorsements/mod of the week/etc, but Apoc is #65 top mod of all time, which I'd be throwing away. An update = more chance of continuous attention as opposed to it just dying after the first week, but no videos and probably no interest in its release. Arf.


Well... I actually think that the number of active users on Nexus is decreasing due to Skyrim not being a new hit anymore. It is probably why it is harder nowdays to get a lot of endorsments... cos yeahh...


Hmmm... well as for my ideas about Restoration spells... well...


I am glad that Slay living is getting redusted... loved this one and yup yup... it fits as a touch spell.






That one seems exp cool. :3 Can't wait to try some of the Resto combos with it. :3



As for my own idea... nothing originall for now... but I am hoping for that you won't forget about:

-Leech seed - though nerfing the healing effect a lil would be good.

-Lionhearth - I loved this one and hmmm when combined with your new idea I would be able to cast it on followers.

-Death Proof - Cloud work on followers now... I know that some of them are essential though... it could give them a chance to autoheal when they hit the ground.

-Bloodwine - Since you are throwing out scripted damage... means that all of your spells magnitude should scale with Restoration level when combined with magic scalling mods soo yeah... this one could be extremally usefull.



I alsoo hoping for moar spells that get powered when casted in certain conditions... like Breath of Arkay and moar spells that have special item requirements... like Lionhearh will appear... those ideas were soow cool :3

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You gain a new one, because it counts as you killing the churl.




Shock spells.



Jolt - Electrocutes a target in melee range for 30 damage over 5 seconds. If the target has no magicka remaining (as a result of mill spells or the mana drain from shock spells), the target is electrocuted and dies.

Warpstrike - Hits a target with a shock bolt, dealing 20 damage but also teleporting the target to a nearby location. Has pretty graphics.



Electrosphere - Deals 20 damage, 60 bonus damage against targets at full health.

Stormclaw - Electrical wave that passes through all opponents in a wide line, shocking them for 15 damage. If the spell hit something, it applies a mark to the target (marks can stack) for 5 seconds. If >6 marks exist, the spell deals 45 bonus damage.



Shockbloom - Exploding shock projectile that deals 10 damage +10% target health (and 5 magicka +5% target magicka), now scales correctly with dual cast.

Thunder Nova - Shock Nova just got real. 30 damage, bonus 50 damage along the rim and looks badass.



Finger of the Mountain - Now does something similar to how you get that spell in Oblivion. Debuffs nearby opponents (only) for 20 seconds. When struck by a shock spell, they then get hit in the face by green lightning for 60 damage.

Edited by EnaiSiaion
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For a Restoration spell that emphasises positioning how about:


Life Blossom:

-Creates a small crystal that hovers at the target location and grows over time.

-When struck by a weapon or spell the crystal shatters and heals targets near it based on how large it was.

-The crystal dissipates a short while after reaching maximum size.

-Targets receive instant initial healing plus a lesser regeneration effect over the next few seconds.

-Low magicka cost for the potential amount healed.


It could potentially be both a powerful and efficient healing source, but you'll need to be careful to keep it safe from stray fire and only trigger it when enemies are out of range.

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