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[WIP] Apocalypse New


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I'm way late on this, but I thought I'd throw out a conuration spell I'd love to see:


Evil Clone


The spell would make an identical-looking clone of the targeted enemy; the evil clone would be in a state of frenzied bezerkery and attack everone in sight for a short period of time.


What I would particularly like about this spell would be to plug it into ASIS (or, hopefully, ASIS's successor) and get it in the hands of Skyrim's bad guys - like, all of a sudden there's be an EVIL Lydia right next to the merely annoying Lydia, and I wouldn't immediately know which is on my side ...

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Re Churl: True, but it seems far easier with this summon: going from a recast every four slashes to never recasting. It also removes any disadvantage to spamming AoE spells, in fact it gives the player an incentive to try and kill the Churl if it gets low on health. I think this is fine, since it gives conjurers a lot more utility in a single spell, but I was wondering if it was intended.

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Evil Clone


The spell would make an identical-looking clone of the targeted enemy; the evil clone would be in a state of frenzied bezerkery and attack everone in sight for a short period of time.


What I would particularly like about this spell would be to plug it into ASIS (or, hopefully, ASIS's successor) and get it in the hands of Skyrim's bad guys - like, all of a sudden there's be an EVIL Lydia right next to the merely annoying Lydia, and I wouldn't immediately know which is on my side ...


Like Evil Twin in Apocalypse? :facepalm:



Re Churl: True, but it seems far easier with this summon: going from a recast every four slashes to never recasting. It also removes any disadvantage to spamming AoE spells, in fact it gives the player an incentive to try and kill the Churl if it gets low on health. I think this is fine, since it gives conjurers a lot more utility in a single spell, but I was wondering if it was intended.


Didn't know pressing the summon button every once in a while was hard. :)




Just implemented a hilarious touch range fire spell that spawns a high damage fire on the ground when it kills the target, which spawns a high damage fire on the ground when it kills the next enemy who walks into it, which spawns a high damage fire on the ground when it kills the next enemy who walks into it, which spawns a fire...



it's a bloody shame that I lose every spell that doesn't deal direct damage to a target when cast so the AI can use them properly. Things like Meteor and Hailstrike, which are actually self buffs while the entire effect is scripted, become problematic. To make up for their uncertain future, I implemented this spell:



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Evil Clone


The spell would make an identical-looking clone of the targeted enemy; the evil clone would be in a state of frenzied bezerkery and attack everone in sight for a short period of time.


What I would particularly like about this spell would be to plug it into ASIS (or, hopefully, ASIS's successor) and get it in the hands of Skyrim's bad guys - like, all of a sudden there's be an EVIL Lydia right next to the merely annoying Lydia, and I wouldn't immediately know which is on my side ...


Like Evil Twin in Apocalypse?



Doesn't Evil Twin create a semi-transparent clone rather than one that is visually difficult to distinguish from the original? Seen from the standpoint of spells that can be given to enemies, that would makes a big difference for gameplay.

Edited by mikegray
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First of all thanks for making Apocalypse. I almost always play a pure mage in RPGs. When I saw your mod which makes spell casting more interesting (I love the contingency spell, reminds me of DnD).


Anyway, I've come very late into the game and will be playing Skyrim for the first time soon (probably Jan), so apologies for my newb questions;


1. When the Apocalypse New is released, will it replace Apocalypse or be installed as a patch/as well as Apocalypse?

2. Do you have a rough idea when it will be released?


And this is my personal wish list (sorry if they're already in Apocalypse);

1. Multiple contingency spells. So I could have let's say 1 which is triggered when I'm hit, then the 2nd contingency when my health gets to 50% and a 3rd when it's at 15%. Maybe even a Chained Contingency spell (event causes 3 spells to trigger).

2. A magic reflect spell. Maybe it reflects the first spell back to the caster.

3. Some lock pick spells.

4. Spell Sequencer. So I could cast let's say 1 spell (3 for a higher level version) into the sequencer. I can then trigger it when I want which casts the stored spell with no mana cost (or 3 spells for the higher level version).


EDIT: Sorry, I just looked at the main Apocalypse mod page and can see you already have various open lock spells. And some contingency spells, hopefully they'll do what I was wanting (setting % of health to trigger, multiple versions).

Edited by telmorial
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frozen orb hoho - my favourite spell, especially before 1.10 - I think it was when they implemented cooldown - nothing like frozen orb spam! great they are bringing it back for DIII expansion. very nice to see it is on your list! can't wait to sp-ah yes I did not ask, will it be spammable? what sort of casting, channel, cast?

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1. Multiple contingency spells. So I could have let's say 1 which is triggered when I'm hit, then the 2nd contingency when my health gets to 50% and a 3rd when it's at 15%. Maybe even a Chained Contingency spell (event causes 3 spells to trigger).

2. A magic reflect spell. Maybe it reflects the first spell back to the caster.


4. Spell Sequencer. So I could cast let's say 1 spell (3 for a higher level version) into the sequencer. I can then trigger it when I want which casts the stored spell with no mana cost (or 3 spells for the higher level version).


1. Look up Smart cast does this and does it well. No use reinventing the wheel


2. There is already a spell like this in Apoc? I think reflective ice? Also a good amount of mods with spell reflection wards.


4. Smart cast again, it is really excellent highly recommend it.

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I'm probably late to the party since you've practically completed Conjuration now but how about a spell which summons a stationary (or very slow moving) Sapper creature/object which has no direct combat capability but has very high health and it drains nearby targets' strongest combat skill (as in, skills relevant to combat like all of the magic schools and armour, not just damage skills) and uses the amount drained to buff you (still not sure on how much should be drained because I was thinking of it in terms relative to the Mighty Magick "Fortify X" enchantments as opposed to actual skill levels) but the catch is that it aggros (as in, they view it as hostile, not like they solely attack the Sapper) the drained enemies against it and the enemy that destroys it has the buffs transferred to it for the remainder of the spell (but it doesn't create another Sapper so you have no way to steal back the buff and you just have to ride out the storm).


Essentially, it's a gamble relative to how much you're willing to bet: you could cast it against a single foe, confident in the fact that they won't be able to kill the Sapper in time to get the buff, but you'd only get a tiny boost. On the other hand, you could throw it at a huge swarm of bandits and gain a humongous boost to your melee skills, but the sheer amount of sword strikes it'll take will put it at great risk, and woe betide you, should you have to face the bandit that landed the killing blow.

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And I forgot to say, I love the direction ApocNew is going in, I loved the original but found that there were some spells that just never took my fancy and just turned into spell-clutter (just for me that is, I'm sure others found utility in them). I'm particularly looking forward to how you've started looking at Conjuration, I mean I liked it in Apoc but it didn't feel very conjure-oriented but rather like it was focused on vanilla summon buffing. Now it feels like you've brought it back to the classic "this is my creature, I have forged it so that I can end you without lifting a single finger." approach.
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