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Very nice work, Enai, but I still feel underwhelmed by Restoration Master spells. Infinite Light is entirely subsumed by the vanilla Grand Healing spell - when do you need to heal a single target by 250 points badly enough to spend 3 seconds doing it? Maybe it could also damage undead and instantly kill weaker vampires. Similarly, Breath of Arkay lacks applications and doesn't feel powerful enough for a Master spell. Valkyrie is a great concept, but doesn't give enough of a boost to be useful by the time you're casting Master spells - a spell power buff might be nice.


Infinite Light is 250 health per second, which is further improved by its innate dual casting, adding up to ~550 health per second. Basically anything you focus on will not die. Use this in a minion/follower deck build. People wanted the ability to play support, and here's a way to do it - one that takes your concentration and therefore isn't available to non-Soraka builds. Also, here's a fun thing to do: get a dragon to 2/3 health, get something to tank for you, cast Channel Energies + Twist of Fate on the dragon, quickly heal the dragon back to full, wait for Twist of Fate to resolve and turn the 1/3 heal into 2/3 damage. BOOM. I did add the ability to blast away undead though because with all the ways to screw up the living, the tree needed more ways to kill the undead other than Bone Spirit.


Valkyrie is now 350, by the way. Then again it isn't supposed to solve all of your mana issues, it is supposed to help. If you're using a low mana build, like a warrior or ranger using restoration for heals only (or a deathknight using weapons and instakills) it will refund a Grand Heal per kill. Of course if you're Chandra then it won't be able to keep up, because you're supposed to actually invest into magicka sometimes.


Breath of Arkay is now a full heal when cast into the sun regardless of your health level and max health.


Alsoo... I have some doubt about Condemn... I mean it looks ok but... I think that reducing the enemy skill levels via Ruin would take really a lot....


The main reason to use this combo is to put a hard cap on the amount of time you waste on a single encounter. Dual cast Ruin 17 times and then Condemn and anything dies.

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The main reason to use this combo is to put a hard cap on the amount of time you waste on a single encounter. Dual cast Ruin 17 times and then Condemn and anything dies.


Ohhh fair point.


A curious question... how does it work with Skyrim creatures? Do they have any skill points?

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A curious question... how does it work with Skyrim creatures? Do they have any skill points?





Illusion spell list





Hit target at short-medium distance in the process of casting with an instant magical bonk, interrupting its spell and depleting 15% of its magicka.



Invisibility for 10 seconds, and when broken, you teleport back to where you started.





Drains 2*illusion points of weapon charge from a target for 30 seconds (wasn't this conjuration? Yes, but conjuration now has a spell to Assume Direct Control over a minion instead).


Dispel Magic

Radius blast that dispels spells from friend and foe. Kind of like the side effect of Arcane Nova in Resplendent. Being a non-hostile self cast spell, you can give it to people and things with Channel Energies.


Hidden Scorpion

Places a mark on a target, provided you are undetected. After 8 seconds, the mark deals poison damage. Now still goes off even if you do get detected during this time, but only triggers hostility after 8 seconds.


Illusory Flames

Channel the FIERY FIRES OF HELL, at least that's what the target thinks. Deals 4% current health damage for as long as you keep the fiery fire beam on the target, but when you stop hitting the target, it goes away.



For 120 seconds you gain 20 armor and also 0.3x your illusion skill level as avoid percentage. At max illusion, 30% of all incoming attacks go through you as if you were a SetGhost(true).



Borrows the target's equipped spells for 120 seconds or until you equip something else. Hitting pyromancers with their own fireballs is amusing. Grabbing your summoned Xivilai's Doomfire spell and throwing balefire around while laughing like Jaraxxus is a riot.





Target sends out invisible pulses of I-forgot-your-birthday, causing it to rapidly draw aggro and get piled on by everyone else. Lasts 10 seconds, but the war continues if you do nothing to pull back aggro.



An upgrade/downgrade to Counterspell. It depends, but both are free to cast so whatever. Instead of draining magicka, this causes the target's spells to miscast; they hit themselves in the face with their own offensive spells, and defensive spells are cast on their combat target instead.


Bend the Shadows

Teleport silently behind a target and shiv it in the ass. (*Shiv not included. Destruction Ice Shiv recommended) A fairly expensive spell, but costs 0 when cast from darkness.


Mind Vision

It's like Intel in Resplendent, but you can choose exactly whose privacy you wish to violate, at the cost of range and LoS requirement. Choose a target and look through its eyes for 10 seconds.


Pale Moon

This does two things. Firstly, it browses faster than Firefox. Secondly, it gives you and everyone who chose wisely to be on your side a +40% weapon damage bonus. The catch is that getting hit depletes 50 magicka, and it goes away when you run out.


Send Dream

A versatile non-combat spell. Choose to send your housecarl a dream that increases health and grants a 1 day rally effect, or give someone sleep paralysis while you loot the place, or make the target believe he's a secret agent with a mission on Mars, or a bunch more options. (*One of these may not be true)




Cloak of Mimicry

By popular request. Anything magical that goes on anywhere in a 20 point radius and you do the same thing like it's Chinese New Year in a crowd of spellcasters.


Empathic Agony

Target takes 75% of the damage you take. A fairly risky but effective way to kill things by letting those things punch you in the face.


Mind Control

By now, you're thinking "this school is cool, I guess" at best or "more useless garbage" at worst. Then there's this. Take control of a target (works on friendly targets as well), walk around as the target and do evil things to it. In battle, it will auto attack your enemies if you steer it in front of them, and meanwhile you can continue to cast spells (recommended spell: invisibility). Out of combat, you can use it to gently steer people away from where you're raiding their retirement stash or just walk them into a ravine (you do get aggro if the target dies while this is active). You might notice that there are people complaining that SetPlayerControl() doesn't work. HEHEHE.


Monster Magnet

It's a cloak that's a hard taunt, much like the Dremora Honor Guard's built in taunt. It doesn't rely on aggro mechanics like Attract; when something angry is in range and not attacking the cloakbearer, it is forced to attack the cloakbearer. It doesn't cause aggro though, so it won't start a fight for you.



Electromagificent field that hits 5 random targets in an area around you, lowering their current health by 15% for 10 seconds. Note: it does say "5 targets in an area around you", not "5 targets near you" or "5 targets, guaranteed to not include you". It's a bit of a double edged spell, but if the Mad Bomber watches over you, you can get in tons of damage. Orrrrrr since it's technically a buff, you can donate it to an enemy with Channel Energies and no matter who loses the dice roll, you win.



Anything currently in combat with you will leave combat. It's like the Khajiit's Michief in Resplendent, except more accessible and also a 3 second ritual spell. Hide behind something, cast this, and your wanted level goes down to 1 star so the cops stop looking for you. They do remain hostile and will remember about their sweetroll if you then blunder into their sight range again.




Mana Void

Big black hole that sets all enemies' health % to match their magicka %. Goes well with shock spells and things like Counterspell.


Mirror Entity

Annoying secret that is half of the equation to turn your Deathwing + her empty board into her Deathwing + your sheep. Targets a target, manifests a ghost that looks just like the target, buffs the ghost to all hell and hands you the controls. Like Mind Control, but doesn't capture an enemy, it makes an enemy-of-my-enemy. Q: Does it work on dragons? A: Hell yes.



Debuffs targets. When one of them dies, all other debuffed targets take damage equal to 20% of their max health. Doesn't matter if you applied the Reave to all of them at once or with different casts. So, when you witness a dragon attack a settlement with 5 people in it and you feel like bagging an easy dragon and being a total jerk in the process...


Scream of Pain

After a 4 second channel, everything nearby with a higher health percentage than you goes down to meet your health percentage for 10 seconds, then their missing health is restored. It's kind of dangerous, being a weaker AoE version of that one health swap shout in Thunderchild, but as Geri Halliwell knew: scream if you wanna kill die faster.



Ritual 120 second invisibility. Also, when you break invis, you immediately gain it back, up to 5 times. Useful for those times when you curse out the ancient magi for their inability to make an invisibility spell not break when you walk through an open door.


Twilight Zone

You try it... xD

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I've only read one spell so far ramdomly looked at Mirror Entity probably caught my eye because of the crossout and had to make this pointless reply:




Can't wait to see what else you've come up with.

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Well… I am really excited about the illusion school. :3 Glad to see the return of the hidden scorpion…. and really excited about the new mechanics of it. :3


Hmmm… just two comments:


Discharge… kinda really fits into conjuration moar… I wouldn’t actually mind having a one moar conjuration spell… and one less illusion spell just for the sake of schools consistency. Though… I am thinking that you could also move it to Conjuration and replace it with a version of: Forked Tongue… orr Mindshock?



Mind Vision… I remember you saying something about an version of that one that had two separate uses… one I combat and one when out of combat? Can’t find where you wrote it though… I think it was a good idea.


Alsoo.. Mind control and Mirror Entity sound really epic. *drolls* :3

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Is it not perhaps possible to require some items for the conjuration school? This is very much similar to when in the Midden when you need to have fire salts to summon a flame atronach. I think it makes sense.


It would also be interesting to see if maybe that all kinds of normal summons would require a filled soul gem maybe, I don't know. Or if the summons' strengths depend on the size of the soul gem.

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Question about your scaling spells. Skyre is designed to be used with the uncapper, and by default effective skill max is 150 (you can keep training to 300 for levels, but it has no effect on the skill). Some people put the effective max at up to 200, but more than that breaks some skills.


Will your scaling spells keep scaling past 100 ranks?

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