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An unlevelled mod for purists

Guest deleted2027229

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I'm pretty far in on a game right now and so can't give this one a try just yet, but it sounds like a pretty crazy hardcore thing and something I'll want to give a shot at sooner or later.


How's compatibility, though? I do happen to like some of those other unlevelled mods, for a bunch of the other things they like to do - Ascension especially skirts pretty close to vanilla itself - and as such I wonder how their leveled lists would conflict with yours. Does your mod in essence create its own leveled lists, or does it nullify them altogether?


You could also consider taking a page out of Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul, and place the more powerful monsters and better loot farther away from the cities. It'll be a slight bit more realistic and encourage exploration farther afield.

Edited by TenShadows
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