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Illegal Skooma - OBSE scripting help

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So far I was only successful in making all skooma references placed in the world marked as stolen/belonging to the Imperial Watch. I am struggling making a script to get any skooma player picks up marked as stolen = belonging to Imperial Watch.

I tried assigning HasBeenPickedUp && PlayerRef.IsContainer to different variable but I just cannot crack this nut.

Scriptname SkoomaTMZMOwnedbyWatch

ref Skooma
int SkoomaIllegal
int SkoomaCount

begin function {SkoomaIllegal}
        Let Skooma := GetFirstRef SkoomaIllegal

    while ( skooma != 0 )
        if ( Skooma.GetIsID PotionSkooma == 1 )
        Set SkoomaCount to PlayerRef.GetInventoryObject Skooma
        set SkoomaCount to PlayerRef.GetItemCount PotionSkooma
        Skooma.SetOwner ImperialWatch
            Message "Loop Completed cycle"
        Let Skooma := GetNextRef




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if you don't mind script being attached to item, one working way could be this:

scn OwnerShipTest

ref item
ref item2
ref item3
ref container
ref owner
ref added

begin OnAdd player
	set added to 1

begin GameMode
	set container to GetContainer
	if container == player && added != 0
		let item := GetBaseObject
		foreach item2 <- container
			let item3 := item2.GetBaseObject
			if item3 == item
				let owner := item2.GetOwner
				if owner == 0				
					item2.SetOwner ImperialWatch
		set added to 0		

This will change ownership of all items of same kind upon taking to be Imperial Watch property as new item arrives in player inventory. For example if you attach this script to Daedric Dagger, you will see all Daedric Daggers marked as stolen when you take another one. There are commands which doesn't execute OnAdd block, but for single taking this will be enough. The only disadvantage can be performance, if there are too many items of this kind in a cell. Script runs in game mode only for now too.

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if you don't mind script being attached to item, one working way could be this:

scn OwnerShipTest

ref item
ref item2
ref item3
ref container
ref owner
ref added

begin OnAdd player
	set added to 1

begin GameMode
	set container to GetContainer
	if container == player && added != 0
		let item := GetBaseObject
		foreach item2 <- container
			let item3 := item2.GetBaseObject
			if item3 == item
				let owner := item2.GetOwner
				if owner == 0				
					item2.SetOwner ImperialWatch
		set added to 0		

This will change ownership of all items of same kind upon taking to be Imperial Watch property as new item arrives in player inventory. For example if you attach this script to Daedric Dagger, you will see all Daedric Daggers marked as stolen when you take another one. There are commands which doesn't execute OnAdd block, but for single taking this will be enough. The only disadvantage can be performance, if there are too many items of this kind in a cell. Script runs in game mode only for now too.

I have similar script for other illegal items like skooma paraphernalia and dwemer artifacts.


Scriptname MoonSugarIngredTMZMScript

begin OnActivate

    if ( IsActionRef Player )
        if ( GetOwner != ImperialWatch )
            SetOwnership ImperialWatch

I would like to avoid editing directly base PotionSkooma object to avoid compatibility conflicts. Given the mod I am including those scripts already edits a few major city worldspace. So the less headache the better...

        foreach item2 <- container

What does this expression mean? I can't figure it out that thing foreach <-

Edited by zelazko
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So far I was only successful in making all skooma references placed in the world marked as stolen/belonging to the Imperial Watch. I am struggling making a script to get any skooma player picks up marked as stolen = belonging to Imperial Watch.

I tried assigning HasBeenPickedUp && PlayerRef.IsContainer to different variable but I just cannot crack this nut.

Scriptname SkoomaTMZMOwnedbyWatch

ref Skooma
int SkoomaIllegal
int SkoomaCount

begin function {SkoomaIllegal}
        Let Skooma := GetFirstRef SkoomaIllegal



The only thing SkoomaIllegal can be is 40, the item code for Alchemy items (aka potions). The command GetFirstRef shows the item codes. I say this because you are using a passed variable there, which makes no sense.

Edited by GamerRick
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foreach item2(variable which will be filled) <- container(source field)

This will stroll automaticaly through every record of field and in documentation is presented as the only way to walk within actor's/container inventory. You can view the part "Inventory References" in OBSE Command Docs for more. So I'm assuming you need some script for detecting item is being/was in the cell taken without using OnAdd? Maybe using GetCrosshairRef, GetBaseObject and IsActivatable commands, including checking for activate controls is a way to go, but such script must be always activated and running, which will eat performance. For now I can't think of suitable and quick solution, I'm sorry.

Edited by RomanR
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