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Skyrim is extremely desaturated wherever I go


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I went up into the mountains with my character yesterday and it went brighter and blurred as usual as a snowstorm set in. But when I went back down the brightness didn't fade. The weather changes but I'm constantly in a state of desaturation compared to before, whether it's indoors or outdoors, raining or sunny, Whiterun or the mountains and so on.

It isn't my computer suddenly having a spazzy fit of not being able to display it properly as the menus and map are still completely A-Ok. It only affects my current save too as all of my older ones still look normally, even if I go out into a snowstorm and back out again.

I could simply go back to a previous save but I don't really want to lose all the levelling I did yesterday. Plus it's starting to really annoy me that I can't fix it. I've tried disabling the fog, resetting the weather via console, changing the brightness settings from the menu but that doesn't do anything other than darken the overall desaturated screen. And no, I don't use any weather mods.

A screenshot of it is attached so you can see what I'm describing. It's indoors but it doesn't change much wherever I go.


Anyone know how to fix this?

Edited by RoguePony
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Do you have ENBSeries? If you press shift-F12, does it disappear? Did you recently switch out your ENB settings?


IMO, far too many ENBseries have this obsessioon with BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM MOAR BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM LOTSA BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM, and it results in such haze that if I had that in real life I'd have my eyes checked for cataracts. That may be what you're experiencing there.

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Haha no I've never used an ENB, they'd be far too demanding on my fading laptop :L

I recently made some changes to the Skyrim ini at an attempt at fixing my buggered shadow problem, but they didn't do anything except make them more blurry. I changed them a few weeks ago now I think and Skyrim's been behaving fine with it, this desaturated brightness thing only happened yesterday.

I personally don't think it's a mod-related problem but these are the ones that are remotely related to the weather or overall appearance of Skyrim:

Skyrim Project Optimization (though that affects interiors only)

Dynavision - Dynamic Depth of Field (I've tried turning that on and off, has no effect)



Frostfall (Not activated)

Wet and Cold

Aaand that's it. I've been using them all for months now without a problem. Fully updated and I do have SKSE, also updated. So is my game.


An interesting note I've just found is that those mini thumbnails for every save game that's created appear sharp and non-desaturated-and-bright, just like they would normally. So it's like this weird desaturated bright effect is only applied in the short milliseconds after that savegame screenshot is taken, like it's a fog/bloom/thing effect that's been queued up but keeps coming back instead of deleting itself? As I said, it doesn't effect previous saves and I haven't changed anything since I last played it normally. It just happened mid-game when I went into the bright and snowstormy mountains. :S

Edited by RoguePony
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HAHA fixed it myself! I went through every likely console command and it was either "fadesfx", "rimod" or "pcb" that worked, but as soon as I left the console it faded away! :laugh: Officially solved.

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Gah sorry I did use some others but I didn't think they worked as it gave the the "undefined parameter ID" thing after I put it in. Basically I just entered "help" into the console so it displayed every possible command and tried all the ones that seemed likely.

However I did try them all when I was indoors, in a house in Winterhold to be specific, so they might not work outdoors if you did them then?

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