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A minor but annoying issue has arisen...I had Growlf's Universal Skeleton installed. I now have BBB_Universal_Skeleton properly installed. All is working well EXCEPT, now the HUD crosshair is off on the Z axis. Instead of it being spot on an object for picking up, grasping, talking to an NPC, etc., it is way "down" (Z axis apparently). It really creates a problem opening containers, picking up objects, and so on. Is there any setting in the Oblivion .ini file or other solution that would correct this? Has anyone else ever had this issue using the BBB or related type of skeleton? I would prefer NOT to go back to non-BBB A big. THANK YOU in advance.


EDIT: Apparently it has nothing to do with the skeleton, nor with my HGEC body. I don't know what happened. One second all was fine and suddenly when I fired up the game, the HUD reticle crosshairs are not lining up with the object onscreen. Makes it damn near impossible to pick up anything, too. What happened?


EDIT2: I searched diligently for an .ini setting and came to the conclusion that my title for this post is greatly in error. There appears to be NO .ini setting to be able to adjust the positioning of the HUD crosshair on screen. I'm not using any mods other than Oblivion Reloaded 6.5 which may affect the crosshair, but no settings were changed so I doubt that is the problem. Again, I don't have a clue as to what is going on. My apologies for the unintentional misleading of the thread. I don't know how to address this problem.

Edited by jwoltz
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Well, if it isn't work of some mod or icon replacer, the exact culprit seems uknown to me. In worst case you can extract an original hud_reticle.xml from Oblivion - Misc.bsa and edit it yourself, but it still fix only consenquences. While saving, the path must be same as in bsa - put changed file to Data/Menus/Main dir.

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RomanR, as always THANK YOU for the good information. Can you recommend a program to open and edit xml files? I used to be able to do it in Explorer but as it is no longer used or supported, I now use Microsoft Edge as my browser and it doesn't seem to work well with xmls.

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You can open it even in NotePad (in file requester select show all files), you just lose the comfort of specialized editors. This xml is short enough and its structure not too much complicated. In fact I don't have any experience in web editing/creation. All coordinates should be in <x>... </x> and <y>... </y> tags.

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Sorry, RomanR...I was successful in extracting the misc .BSA file and opening the HUD_Reticle .xml file in Notepad. The problem is I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to the syntax of the coding. I know <x> is the width and <y> is the height but although I tried through trial and error to adjust the numbers, nothing changes in game. I'm not even sure that that's the problem. I learned a long time ago that when you see on screen the crosshairs it relates to the "eyes" position with the skeleton. Certain modder's skeletons have had issues whereby they screwed the reticle positioning. But now even reinstalling my old skeleton has not affected this weird glitch. I guess I'll just have to live with it. I mean, it's a pain but at least the game is still playable.

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For you the easiest way could be to modify the y divider, look for these lines in hud_reticle file.

		<copy src="screen()" trait="width"/>
		<div> 2 </div>
		<copy src="screen()" trait="height"/>
		<div> 2 </div>

These xml tags are setting initial coordinates for crosshair and others like sneak. As you see dividing width and height of screen by 2, the result is always center of a screen. You can test if somehing is going on by changing divider in y tag - 0 will make crosshair appear at the bottom and 1 at the top of screen.


If crosshair isn't at these positions, it could mean that something messes up with height of screen info. If these changes are ignored (and changed file is saved to right dir), for me it's work of some mod which is using its own preference file.


I'm still assuming that you have this problem in both 3-rd and 1-st person view and you aren't using mods or effects which alters GUI or camera (OR has also its Camera Mode).

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