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Any chance of starting a X 2, X 3 or X Rebirth Nexus Mod Page ?


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X Rebirth is coming out on Nov. 15th and 19th and as it seem's now, the mod community is scattered all over the net. I am just inquiring, given what a complete, well known and respected site Nexus is, if there was a chance that Nexus might consider starting a mod page for all 3 games or at the very least, X 3 and X Rebirth.

Just a suggestion is all and thank you for your time.

Kindest regards,


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Dark One has already posted at the egosoft.com forums to gauge interest in this, as it seem's he's an 'X' gamer, so I'm just trying to take it to the next level by rallying some support for this from the egosoft forums, Nexus forums and anywhere else I can get some support is all. If you don't at least ask, you don't get, so if you are a fan of the franchise, please try to spread the word around to other forums with like minded people and let's try to get this done and thank you for your reply.

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As a long time player in the X-Universe I totally support this endeavor. There will be some backlash from some of the X-Modders who may have a resistance to change or issues with their socialist tendencies but hopefully enough have modded other games using Nexus for distribution that it will not be an issue.

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