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Dragon Age 2 sub-forums "missing" or "hidden"


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When I look at the DA2 sub-forums I only see the ones for Dragon Age 2 Modding (Dragon Age 2 Mod Talk; Dragon Age 2 Mod Troubleshooting; Dragon Age 2 Mod Requests and Dragon Age 2 Mod Building). There's no sign of the News, Discussion, Spoilers, Technical Support, Uploaded Files, Uploaded Images or any of the other sub-forums that all the other game sub-forums have. I know the Dragon Age 2 Technical Support sub-forum exists because I recently found it from a Google search and have posted in a thread in that sub-forum, yet when I search my profile for posts none of my posts in that thread are listed either! So, is there a reason as to why so many of the DA2 sub-forums are "missing" or "hidden"?


Also, under each games link to their sub-forums is a link to their appropriate Nexus site EXCEPT Dragon Age 2, which has a link to:


instead of:



EDIT: Had to reformat the second paragraph because the site was automatically creating one single link out of the two links I posted!

Edited by Grizzly_UK
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What happens when you go here (the "Main Nexus Forums" page):


and/or then here (the "Dragon Age 2 Forums" link found on "Main Nexus Forums" page):


The first link takes me to the main Nexus Forums with links to all the various forums and the second link takes me to the Dragon Age 2 sub-forums as I describe in my first post. However, if I log out most of the "missing" sub-forums are displayed (still no sign of the Uploaded Files or Uploaded Images sub-forums) but they vanish again once I log in. My browser is FireFox 25.0 but I've also tested using IE 8.0.6001.18702 and it's exactly the same.


I'm attaching some images that should, hopefully, show what I mean. First image is logged out, second image is logged in, both at the second link you give.




Edited by Grizzly_UK
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OK, so how do I notify the admins of this particular problem? :confused:


EDIT: I've now submitted a Support Request via the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the forums to request a site admin review this thread.

Edited by Grizzly_UK
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Not sure if grizzly_uk's issue is fixed, but I can tell you that a similar one isn't.


The "News, rules and feedback" link at the top of this page leads to a page with only a sub-set of those forums. Since the link on the Main Forum page works correctly, I usually remember not to use the broken one. (When I forget I usually just think, "Dummy! You know that's borked. Really should Report it to someone..." :tongue: )

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