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Need Tips For Going 21:9


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What is the generally accepted path for playing at 21:9. I followed some video instructions from six years ago and the game loads up nicely at 3440x1440, but different videos show different numbers being used...like 0 or 1. I want to do it right the first time before I start a new game and modding.

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I use TrueBy9, I had to manually edit my fallout4.ini to get 3440x1440, and it works fairly well. The game, however, doesn't really understand 21x9, and as you get further from the center, the image is more 'fisheyed'. Still and all, it looks GOOD on my 34" screen. :D I think I have FOV set at 90/90.... Experiment with those values, to get what you like. (can live with.....)

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Same as HeyYou here, so I can second that.


& My .ini settings:

iSize W=3440
iSize H=1440
bFull Screen=1

Works pretty nice.


edit: My FOV is slightly different as HY, but as said, its something to fiddle with to your preference. It should be noted that the 'overlays' that come with TreuBy9 don't extend far enough for higher values as 90. So when using scopes or inside powerarmor i can see small stretches on the side of the screen.




Edited by RoNin1971
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