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New Vegas Aiming Glitch?...


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My character seems to be jerking to left all of sudden (in first person) either when I'm crouched, or when I'm in combat :/

When I'm in third person, my character just stands up. It's very annoying and happens literally every other second...

Here's an example:


It makes the game pretty unplayable, and I don't know what to do at this point :sad: Anyone have any suggestions? bug fixes... etc... D:

Edited by ThatOneGirl
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The only time I've encountered a similar problem was when I was unable to properly install a mod that added a cigarette-smoking animation for the player. My best guess would be that this also has to do with new animations not functioning properly, but that's all I have, just my best guess. Hope that helps, good luck!


Edit: In my situation, uninstalling the mod in question didn't fix my savegame, btw... The best way I can think of to troubleshoot your problem would be to start a fresh game with no mods installed / enabled, then turn them on one by one until you find a culprit.

Edited by Dudeman325
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Omg, sorry I didn't even realize anybody had replied to me. :'( I don't have any animation replacers installed (yet) If I install one, do you think that'll fix my problem?


You might have one that's been installed by a weapon mod or something, it would certainly be worth adding a proper set to see if that fixes the problem.

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It could also be that you have a mod installed that's looking for a custom animation that isn't installed, or is trying to reference an incompatible animation. I'm almost certain that your issue is being caused by mods and animations. I'd recommend trying to find out what new animations you need for the mods you have installed, if any, before downloading and installing anything new. The safer bet is to disable mods until you find out which one's causing the problem, then remove it if you can't fix it.

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