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Rune of teleportaion... possibile?


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Hey everyone, I'm working on a new spell called "Rune of teleportation". What i would like to see happen is that you place a rune on the floor, and when you cast a certain spell, it teleports the player to that rune's location. Is this possible? and If so, how would i go about doing? It would be simple if i used a static object, but in this case we are using something entirely different. Any and all help will be much appreciated!

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I'd imagine it's possible, though I'm not sure how. I know that using console commands you can move your self from cell to cell and object to object, so I'd assume you'd have to make the first spell designate itself as an 'object' in the room while the second spell puts in the input for moving you to the 'object.' Though, that'd also likely cause a load screen. I've never really messed with it, but I'm just throwing out an idea.

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The spell would need to target a specific object to which to move the caster. That object would best serve its purpose if it was an x-marker or something similar. The rune would move the marker to its own location so the recall could move the caster to the x-marker, and by extension, to the rune. So, essentially, you -would- be using a static object. It's just invisible and you'd move it around.


To get the rune to move the marker to its location, you could try a few different things. However, I've not done this in particular, so I can't say for sure. What I would try is the following, which is an adapted version of Creation Kit Tutorial (Enchanted Arrows) by DarkFox127. I mention it because the video is very easy to follow, so if you get lost, take a look at it.


Make a new xmarker or trigger and attach a script to it so when it load (possibly using OnInit or OnCellAttach), it moves the real marker to its location and then disables and deletes itself.


Make a new explosion (they're in Special Effects) by copying whichever visual rune explosion you prefer (you don't have to use a rune explosion, but it'd at least match the other runes). Alter it so it does no damage and has no force. Make sure to check Ignore LOS Check. I have no idea if it'll be needed, but there's no reason you use LOS for this.


Change the other settings to suit your taste such as Light, Sound, IS Mod (this temporarily changes the look of the entire screen), and Sound Level.


Change Placed Object to your scripted xmarker or trigger (the one which will move the final one, don't put the final one here. The final one needs to be unique).


Save it with a new name if you're editing instead of duplicated the other explosion.


Make a new projectile (also found in Special Effects) by copying a Rune projectile just like we did for the explosion. I believe Decal Data is the box which will change the look of the final rune, so if you have a custom one, I think it needs to go here. In Explosion, change it so it explodes on Impact and change the explosion to the one we created.


Now, in your new Teleport Rune's magic effect, change it to the same type of effect as another rune except where you put in the rune to use, use the new projectile we made. From ther eit should be like any other spell.


A note, I believe this will have the rune exploding as soon as you cast it. That's very unlikely to be what you want. So, you could alter it so it doesn't have any explosion effects and is silent. Make a new explosion and projectile with the effects but without the placed object bit. Make this one trigger on proximity like other runes. Now, have the script on the spawned X-Marker (not the unique one) place that projectile at itself. This way, the first projectile made by the spell will immediately explode without any fanfare; it'll produce the invisible; silent explosion; which will make the scripted x-marker; which will move the final x-marker, create the second projectile, and disable/delete itself. When you teleport to the x-marker, you'll trigger its proximity, so it'll explode; which produces an explosion that's visual and audible, but doesn't actually do anything.


Now, problems that might arise and how to fix them. When you teleport to the rune, it probably won't explode. The player doesn't detonate his/her own runes, so it wouldn't trigger when you teleported to it. It's only effects, nothing with utility, so it doesn't technically matter. But I imagine you'll want to to at least fade. As I said, I don't know how to make the player detonate his/her own runes. But if it gets this far and is other working, I'll look into it.


Also, when you teleport to the marker, you'll probably want the marker to no longer be usable unless the player casts the spell again. To do that, put the marker somewhere in the game world (you'd have to do this anyway), and set it initially disabled. When the scripted marker moves the target marker, also enable the target marker. When the player teleports to the target marker, disable it again. Now, in the teleport spell, make it check to see if the marker is enabled, and only work if it is.


And to nojanath, yes, any time you travel to a cell which isn't already in memory, there's a load screen.

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Well, I dont want any explosions to happen :laugh: ... But this is fantastically detailed. I will play around with the details you described and see if i can get this working. Thanks a bunch Xander!


EDIT: After a quick look in the CK, i notice that when placing a rune, its not actually creating any explosions at all (Nothing selected under "Explosion" in the magic effect window). Do I still need to create an explosion so i can summon the Xmarker? Also, what kind of magic effect Arch type should this be? Spawn scripted ref ?

Edited by wilson212
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