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Vortex already manages my SSE steam install. How do I add a *second* managed instance for GOG?


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I can't figure this out. I have both the Steam and GOG versions of SSE installed now, and I wanted to build the GOG version specifically for Skyrim Together Reborn... But I can't figure out how to create a separate managed instance for it in Vortex. It seems like all I can do is change the game location on my original Steam instance, but that's not what I'm after.

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My unerstanding is we can't do so easily at this time. There is a loose bit of info on how to do so if you are so inclined but some of the feedback is that the possible methods are unreliable/awkward. I expect Vortex developers may provide an update to handle this in the future.


The below discussion in the comments section is where I got the above info:



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Tannin mentions a couple of methods here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12077098-skyrim-released-on-gog/page-14&do=findComment&comment=115692988


I thought Picky also mentioned a method using shortcuts with different command line parameters to effectively have two different versions of Vortex, but I can't find that post now. Maybe it got deleted because it didn't work correctly? Or maybe it's just because the forum search is overburdened and can't return recent results.

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