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SSEEdit can't find Bethesda/SkyrimSE in GOG Skyrim.


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I really need xEdit or SSEEdit for GOG Skyrim. Very dirty. Vortex, SKSE, and most mods work fine. But SSEEdit only returns can't find path errors. Can't find Skyrim.exe, can't find Skyrim.ini.

Can we hope for a SAEEdit for GOG and a clear concise video on how to install it?

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I got it to work by going to C:\users\*my user name*\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG. I then added a new file, Skyrim Special Edition, there in the Games folder. Next, I opened Skyrim Special Edition GOG, and copied all of the files in there to clipboard. Lastly, I pasted the clipboard files into the new Skyrim Special Edition file that I had made. Now SSEEdit can find the Skyrim.ini.

GOG Skyrim must be launched from GOG's Skyrim Launcher once to set the .ini. If not, when it is launched from SKSE there will be a thick white band at the top of the screen.

Does anyone know why SSE on X Box has the perfect and excellent Sleeving Skyrim mod, but SSE for PC is stuck with three sleeve mods that are broken to the point of being unusable?

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