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[Mod Locating/Request] Mod to skip account login at startup?


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I don't have nor do I ever want an account for an exclusively single player game, but of course Bethesda in their infinite wisdom have decided that what their decade-old game really needed was an unskippable login attempt at every single game launch, even when not connected to the internet, wasting 30 seconds of my life and making me click through multiple menus for absolutely no reason at all EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


I can't be the only one who hates this and just wants the game to start at the damn menu like I've had it do since damn-near day one, can I? Yet I could only find one convo on google even bringing it up, and no solution was given. Is there really no mod to skip this nonsense like we can skip the intro logos?

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There's no login attempt for my game. Do you have Beth.net mods installed through the in-game mod manager or Creation Club content that hasn't downloaded properly?

I don't even have an account, have never so much as opened the creation club, and didn't even know there was an in-game mod manager. I haven't played in a couple months, I just suddenly have to go through this login BS every startup now. A loading wheel sits there for a solid 15 seconds with the text "logging you in", then it boots me to a login screen, I hit escape, it boots me to an account creation screen, and I have to hit escape again to get to the menu.

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