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Winterhold - the once grand city


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I know there are Mods that sort of Rebuild Winterhold or just add Houses to make it more City like or more Ruined like, but im wondering for a Quest Mod so we can Investigate the True Reason for how the City got Destroyed, then the Jarl can quit picking on the Mages, because he is anyway to Stupid to Rebuild his City as if he expects the Mages to do it, because even after the War, none of the sided Jarls lifts a finger to Rebuild Winterhold.


Its been what 30 Years already that half the City got Destroyed, get off your Butts and Rebuild your City instead of waiting on a Hero like the Dragonborn to do your job.

Edited by daventry
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Just taking a wild guess:
The jarl does not rebuild it because he fears it will bring more mages to the college and it would end with the history repeating itself.

Hey, the Nords are quite stubborn and short sighted. So it's a possibility, I guess.

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I think the Jarl has not rebuilt Winterhold because he can't.

He's SKINT! He hasn't got a bean and whatever income he has left from his ragged old Hold goes on supporting Ulfric in the Civil War.

He lives in a wooden cabin, he's got sod-all villages, hardly any farm land, he's above the snow line and any economy they may have had was probably fishing and sea trade. All he's got is an inn, a small village store and a couple of wooden ruins. He doesn't even have a smith or a carriage service.

And as the coast and port is half a mile down and all smashed up, there's not much he can do. Maybe settle the new coast? There's pearls, barnacles, fish, horker skins, meat and tusks... err... I can't think of anything else. Any mines anywhere? Maybe a few wild alchemy ingredients? Spiky podgrass? He should farm snowberries!

Anyone with the skills for ye olde economie, like scrimshaw carving and horker hide tanning, probably went down to the bottom of the briney in the Great Collapse. The rest of them just left.

Nah, he's stuffed. So one of his ancestors was High King some time? Mercia was once the most powerful Anglo-Saxon kingdom under Offa, but that was a very brief period, long, long ago. Wessex ruled for most of the following 350 years. Have you ever been to Birmingham? Compare it with Winchester.

I don't believe this hype that Winterhold ever rivalled Solitude. Was the Mage College the only stone building in the place? He's got his rose-coloured beer goggles on. :geek:



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Have you tried this one?




Yea, I tried this one. It is good but not what I was expecting when I think of Winterhold Restored. I wish I had the time and the resources cause I would do it myself. But i'm not very knowledgeable with the Creation Kit. Only good at a few simple things.


I want to see a Winterhold city that is just as big as Solitude...now that's a project. And I would agree. Along the lines of Helgen Reborn storyline where its rebuilt over time, not just all at once would be pretty sweet.


I always saw Winterhold and Dawnstar as fishing ports. Its too bad Whales aren't in the game. Whaling would be a nice addition to the city. Horkers and the tusks should be a high vauled commodity. Once you establish a commerce more business will come in. Like a blacksmith. Then once the town is comfortable with mages again, add a alchemy store. At first you can start with mining (like in Helgen Reborn - the 1st version). Or implement an underground cavern with heavy mining salt deposits. Salt mining could be the big business there. The possibilities are endless!

Edited by majikku22
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Not true. Just for giggles I went into the Creation Kit and started building defense walls around Winterhold...and then a giant lighthouse that stood taller than the College near the cliffs. I looked downwards towards the village when I tested it in game...TONS of room to rebuild a city. From edge of town to the college bridge entrance, someone really talented definitely has the room to build a massive city at Winterhold.

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I took some screenshots...





By the way these were taken with the Seasons of Skyrim mod Summer Edition. So no snow. I find it much easier to work with.

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Now THOSE are the ruins of a city that once rivalled Solitude. :D


Looks like Beth screwed it up with the pitiful set of log cabins they put there. If someone made that, even just as a properly ruined Winterhold, I'd try it as it fits the in-game lore and history better than what is in Vanilla.


And you have no modding talent, you say? ;) I think all modders started like that.


I'd have put the lighthouse poking out of the sea at an angle (in a ruins version), maybe like the Statue of Liberty at the end of planet of the Apes. :) And on the far side of the college as it would have been on the old coast. There might also be some submerged ruins to explore.


I think the bit that fell into the sea was the land surrounding the college, so a good 80-90% of the old city is gone now. But something could be rebuilt on what's left, as you say.



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The thing is my idea is not for ruins. But a newly built Winterhold by the Jarl and Mages of Winterhold. Kind of like a peace between them has finally happen and they agree to rebuild the city together. Hence the lighthouse with the Mage sitting up top. So magic is embraced by the townsfolk again. Building it into a city for the mages and all things magic. This is after the events of the civil war and after you become the Archmage of the College of WInterhold. So this fixes all that was wrong with Winterhold and returns it back to the awesome city it once was...and maybe even better than it was. LIke I said I was just messing around just to give people ideas. I still see Winterhold as a massive city like Solitude.

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