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Your not using the newest version, because:


[iNFO]> Backing up [ g:\games\steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ] to [ g:\games\steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\bXComEW.exe ]
^^^ That line is from the older version.
The odds are your error is the fact the executable is already patched.




okay so I got the new one and inputted the commands as it says via the readme.


and the outputs in the cmd is exactly as it shows. is there anything else I need to do? (feel like I'm having a derp moment >.< )



EDIT: I tried doing XCOMModHelper -c EWConfig.xml -v


and it says that EWConfig.xml doesnt exist.


which is strange since its in the same place as the ModHelper

Edited by Syrus101
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Your not using the newest version, because:


[iNFO]> Backing up [ g:\games\steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ] to [ g:\games\steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\bXComEW.exe ]
^^^ That line is from the older version.
The odds are your error is the fact the executable is already patched.




okay so I got the new one and inputted the commands as it says via the readme.


and the outputs in the cmd is exactly as it shows. is there anything else I need to do? (feel like I'm having a derp moment >.< )



EDIT: I tried doing XCOMModHelper -c EWConfig.xml -v


and it says that EWConfig.xml doesnt exist.


which is strange since its in the same place as the ModHelper



If you do a dir?


Do you see EWConfig.xml?


I downloaded the latest, unzipped it to a folder D:\Workspace\temp


I run it and get the following output:



D:\Workspace\temp>XCOMModHelper.exe -c EWConfig.xml

[iNFO]> ==========XCOMModHelper========
[iNFO]> Attempting to Locate XCOM Root Directory
[iNFO]> Found XCOM Root Directory of [ x:\steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown ]
[iNFO]> Backup Target Directory is [ x:\steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Backup ]
[iNFO]> Decompressed UPK Folder [ x:\steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\UpkUnpacked ]
[iNFO]> Patching [1] Targets
[iNFO]> Patching Target [ x:\steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe ]
[iNFO]> Applying Patch [ Read DefaultGameCore.ini from Config Folder ]
[iNFO]> Patch was Already Applied [ Read DefaultGameCore.ini from Config Folder ]
[iNFO]> Skipping Patch since it was Already Applied [ Read DefaultGameCore.ini from Config Folder ]
[iNFO]> Finished
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Ok so forgive my stupidity, but I'm having trouble understanding some of the basics here. Running this file from the command prompt is supposed to then allow me to make changes to the DefaultGameCore.ini file?


Is there anything else I was supposed to do? I followed the instructions and put 'XCOMModHelper.exe -c EWConfig.xml' into the commad prompt from the directory I downloaded it to. It appeared to run ok. But I'm still not seeing changes made to the ini file...

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Ok so forgive my stupidity, but I'm having trouble understanding some of the basics here. Running this file from the command prompt is supposed to then allow me to make changes to the DefaultGameCore.ini file?


Is there anything else I was supposed to do? I followed the instructions and put 'XCOMModHelper.exe -c EWConfig.xml' into the commad prompt from the directory I downloaded it to. It appeared to run ok. But I'm still not seeing changes made to the ini file...


This app fixes the EXE so it will now read the loose version of the DGC.INI file. That is really all it does, but it makes a "scary" process for many people ... simple. You still have to make your changes to that file, but now you can use a text editor instead of needing to use a hex editor on the EXE.


Unfortunately modding XCOM is more complex than you are probably used to. Suggest you read the wiki article 'Basic guide to installing mods' to understand the process in general.



Edited by dubiousintent
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UberJumper -- Great work on this, thanks so much.


I'm investigating the viability of making this the primary installation mechanism for Long War.


Three questions:


1) Any idea if there is a maximum size for <FindValue> and <ReplaceValue> entries? Some of our function rewrites are huge.


2) Is there a maximum number of <PatchEntry> entries? Long War has a few hundred.


3) I have a few search-and-replaces that change multiple instances of the same hex code. What is the correct way to implement that?


For example, to change the tactical game camera's rotation increment to 45 degrees (instead of 90), I have a search and replace


Old: 1B 43 82 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 00 00 B4 42 16


New: 1B 43 82 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 00 00 34 42 16


That makes four changes in the code, all of which are necessary to get it working. (This is for +45, there's a similar four-change edit for -45 rotations.


Would that be a single <FindValue>/<ReplaceValue> entry (which would make four changes), or four identical entries, or will non-unique entries just cause problems?


Thanks for any guidance you can provide.

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enter so [E: \ Release031 \ XCOMModHelper -c EWConfig.xml] then I hit enter, and he writes me.

[ERROR] Configuration File [EWConfig.xml] does not exist

Despite the fact that [E: \ Release031 \ EWConfig.xml] HERE is just the file, and all the rest: (

Help, I do not understand this: (

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