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Disable "Animal Friend" perk


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  • 1 year later...

You'd need to remove the player from the animal faction, since the perk adds him to it.

Although Im not sure theres a console command for that.


You might have to make a little script plugin in the GECK that removes you from whichever factions the perk adds you to. If I get round to it I'll work it out, should be fairly easy but no promises. If not, then what better time to learn a wee bit of scripting, eh? :thumbsup:

Edited by TehBuddha
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Just guessin' here, but awhile back I had a problem that resulted in the effects of various perks being removed although they were still listed on my pipboy. I had to add the "spell" as opposed to the "perk" to regain the effects (adding the perk did nothing). Maybe that works in reverse, ie player.removespell #### (I think the spell # was the same as the perk #, but I can't recall for sure)


er... just noticed the necro-date of the question.

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