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Question on Mod category doe Deep Clean series


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Just want to get a feel for what the user base here thinks on this idea.


I have a plethora of pin... mods that update settlements and workshop items together in a Deep Clean series.


My mods


Currently they are listed under category Craft-Home Settlement.


Would it be better to have them listed under category Settlements?


What do you guys think about the options there category-wise?


Thanks in advance,



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Hi Vilance!

I've seen your mods in the downloads pages. Quite a bit of work and effort that you've put into cleaning up all that worthless deco that bethesda put in there. They look really great now! So first off, much thanks for sharing all of that work with the players! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Yeah I think that they would fit better into the Settlements category.

To me, Craft-Home makes me think of build menu items. That might be me tho.


Anyways, thanks again for all your hard work, and for your shares!

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Yeah, "Settlements" will get them found.


VIlanceD, saw your BA2 Merge Kit, didn't follow up on the definition of DCnR though.

Would help if you spelled it out once with an explanation, and links on BA2 merge page to give notice of what you are talking about.

Case and point, I didn't follow through on the research from there, just re-bumbled into what it was about here.

Even then, had to open another link to see what you had going on. :yes:


Need to back up pepperman35 here; master pack is a good idea.


It's all about marketing your products. :thumbsup:

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Along the lines of an All In One pack.

I have a thought on that, that I kinda make with hesitation.

I hesitate, because I dunno how to make them, so I dunno how much of a learning curve it is, to add them, or to create them.



My thoughts were to add in a fomod installer, so that if somebody didn't want to use "All of them" (maybe they have a mod that already changes a particular settlement, and it wouldnt be compatible) they could chose which ones they wanted and didn't when they installed the AIO.

Or possibly a MCM settings menu that allows the players to turn different settlements on or off.

THAT however... IMO... is too risky to hand over to newb players. Players that don't know what happens when you do that with settlement mods in mid-play through.

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@Stormwolf01, I was thinking that too.

FOMODs are So under-utilized. :rolleyes:

Perfect and straightforward for a use-case like this.


But, there is an interesting element available here.


@VilanceD made a module that merges/cleans-up BA2s (for this collection specifically).


That could be very handy once all selections are made... :devil:


The module would prevent requiring redundant [file]namespaces i.e. plugins for plugins and patches.

So unlike all previous fomods which have to select/install individual plugins for specific changes.

This module can see/evaluate what changed and roll a single ba2 for all selected options from the whole collection...


Probably just through a script run at the end to "optimize storage".

Even if BA2 was unpacked it would be hyper efficient [name/file]space-wise.


Can log, or track via MCM/Holotape but would not allow much for editing.


Didn't even check yet, are those settlement blueprints, or no? :huh:


Anyway, that module could be a slick upgrade for current state-of-the-art FOMODing.

Haven't really looked into writing FOMODs myself, but have been thinking about it more after this collection concept came up.


Thinking of like "Roll-ups" or merges of mod/options/patches based on selection(s).

That is why in a previous post I mentioned keeping unique IDs unique across a species of mod (less fuss).

Done properly IDs would stack like pancakes. :tongue:

Kind of doing this by hand in FO4edit already, it's just crunchy with all so many workflows. :sweat:


Anyway, that's my idea, would take some additional figuring, doesn't really solve the multiple esp issue without fo4edit but a huge step for BA2s. :woot:

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