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realistic stealth kills


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just and idea (and my first post) but it really bugs me when i sneak up on someone, and anticlimactically slice at their back. i'd love to be able to 'properly' assasinate someone, with the, in my case exceedingly rare, stealth kill animation.

if you actually think, when you sneak up on someone, they wont know you're there, and a slice to the neck will down the toughest worrior. abviously stealth will need to be balance and shifted about to make it fair. (you try sneaking up on someone in a dead silent cave with rocks littered all around you :tongue:) if i knew how to mod i would do this, but unfortunatly i have ZERO clue how to :down: but this would be my dream mod.

if ther'es a version of this out then im sorry for the waste of time, but i couldnt find it :sad:

maybe the insta-kill from behind would only be with daggers? giving them an actuall use :tongue:

i have no idea of the limitations of the engine so again, if non of this is possible then my bad :wink:

i can't tell you how much i hope this can be done :o

much love.

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