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Has anyone tried this app yet?


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This is a ligit program. Some people swear by it, others swear at it. Essentially what they do is kill any unnecessary background processes that can slow things down. The tune up is exactly the same as hundreds of other programs, removing junk and cleaning the trash out - nothing special. But if you do have some background programs it can help if you don't know how, or just want a quick way to shut them down while playing and put them back when you close the game. It's not perfect, and sometimes removes things that it shouldn't. or doesn't remove things it should - but, unlike some, it does have a user defined exceptions list.


Depending on your system, this may or may not do anything useful for you. Especially if you are running a 64 bit system with more than 4G of ram. the system can handle those background programs just fine without slowing things down in the game There are exceptions, like when a VOIP or Skype call comes in and the game is interrupted.


You can try it, then if you don't like it or it doesn't do what you expected, unlike some programs it is easy to remove. Also, like with any FREE program - when installing watch for the unwanted programs it will try to sneak in along with the actual program. Some of these are much harder to get rid of.

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I would rather have my PC maintained by monkeys then run one of those. I've been in the IT and IT related business for over 20 years and I can not recall any of them that ever did any good. Legit ones were just as likely to mangle a PC as viruses. I suggest you just ask a friend who knows a bit about computers to teach you enough to maintain and optimize your PC. A short one-liner which would solve most performance problems.


Keep it simple, keep it clean and keep it current and your PC will be performing very close to optimally.


This means:

Keep your PC patched and up to date including all operating system updates, the web browser (IE, Chome, etc) but also all programs which can be accessed by the browser (Java, flash, etc).

Do not install stuff unless you need it or plan to use it shortly. Avoid being a crow "Oooh shiny". In particular never modify your browser with garbage like toolbars.

Check your PC (virus scan, disk scan). What is installed. What is running at startup. Empty your temp folders (%temp% and %windir%\temp). Check the plugins in your browser. And such.

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Thanks for the advice guys....

I am fairly savy with computers and keep all of my hardware drivers, OS, and other software updated and have my machine locked down fairly well security-wise. I am, however, hitting the proverbial wall trying to find a way to create service/hardware profile in Windows 7 Home Premium. I imagine that option no longer exist like it did with XP.

My machine is only about 9 months old, and has 16gb of high performance RAM, I am just looking for a way to trim the fat out of the services that load at startup (especially all of the fluff the ATI and Asus load automatically) I guess I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way.....Research and then experiment with what I can saftley disable, set to manual or leave on auto. Off to Black Vipers webite, I guess. :)

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