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using xedit Skyrim Gog version


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You need to enter a series of command line arguments to the shortcut for xEdit to make it work with the Gog version (unless it has had a very recent update). Have you done that?

I read putting this line into SSEdit would cause SSEdit to work with Gog Skyrim, and it did.. -D:"D:\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\Data" -I:"D:\Mod.Organizer-2.4.4\profiles\Default\Skyrim.ini" -P:"D:\Mod.Organizer-2.4.4\profiles\Default\plugins.txt"



So I tried the same thing with Xedit. Xedit runs now but Like I said CTD reading Skyrim.esm gog version. IS there something else I should have entered in the Xedit argument line?

Edited by nil9
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