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A very special sword mod...


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Guys, seriously, I really need help on this.

I want a sword with custom special abilities (which has a personality and with it's quest if possible, anyone know Malevolent mod from Oblivion? Something like that.) which can be upgraded forever either by hitting enemies or killing them. If you also know the Soul Calibur lore, you could see what I am trying to mean. I am not looking for a dull Soul Edge implementation but something more special like I said. Infinite weapon damage upgrade and infinite absorb health upgrade would be much appreciated. A knockback effect would be much appreciated too. A multi-pathed quest mod would be greatly appreciated. (maybe even bringing it's counter part Soul Calibur into account in order to destroy the sword, if player is roleplaying a good character)

If not any of these, is there a quest mod similar to Malevolent?

Or maybe something like Lilarcor?

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Getting a sword to be do more damage each time it hits an enemy would need to use GetBaseDamage and SetBaseDamage (both are SKSE functions). The absorb health, however, I have no idea about. Actually, you could probably make a custom enchantment which absorb health manually instead of using the normal absorb health enchantment. Have that enchantment check a global variable for its magnitude. When the sword hits something, increase the variable. I'll help out with the scripts, but the quest is up to you or someone else (although, if you do start it, feel free to ask questions). You'd need a scripted enchantment with the following

GlobalVariable Property AbsorbHealthGlobal Auto
GlobalVariable Property DamageGlobal Auto
ObjectReference Property SwordREF Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	AbsorbHealth = AbsorbHealthGlobal.GetValue()+1
	DamageValue = DamageGlobal.GetValue()+1
	akTarget.DamageAV(Health, AbsorbHealth)
	akCaster.RestoreAV(Health, AbsorbHealth)

The three properties would need to be filled with the reference to the sword, a global variable you make to store the damage of the sword, and a global variable you make to store the absorb magnitude of the sword.


EDIT: Fixed a typo

Edited by Xander9009
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I don't know if this would work, but it might. Move the increment to a finish event.

GlobalVariable Property AbsorbHealthGlobal Auto
GlobalVariable Property DamageGlobal Auto
ObjectReference Property SwordREF Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	AbsorbHealth = AbsorbHealthGlobal.GetValue()
	DamageValue = DamageGlobal.GetValue()
	akTarget.DamageAV(Health, AbsorbHealth)
	akCaster.RestoreAV(Health, AbsorbHealth)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	If ( akTarget.IsDead() )

EDIT: Fixed a typo

Edited by Xander9009
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Thank you very much for all of your helpful points. But in appearance of current situations, I am studying 10 hours a day and will be doing that until next summer. As I have little time to spend infront of a computer, I have little room for trying and learning the stuff right now as well having other activities, as I don't even have any experience of scripting from before. If only someone more experienced could see this, just see this, and agree with this idea's awesomeness, and make it for all of us...

You have just showed the scripts as well, so it's obvious how it could be done, I guess. Again, thanks for your help.

Edited by Erenussocrates
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You are confused because clearly you didn't read it to the end.

I said that I wanted the weapon to be upgradable endlessly, meaning it won't ever have a cap as player keeps killing Y, and X will continue stacking forever.


Is there really any mod that accomplishes these things that I said?

Edited by Erenussocrates
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