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Help with Dragon Combat Overhaul


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Just a quick word of advice:


BOSS is great for locating mod conflicts, dirty edits and out of date versions of mods, but be careful when using it to do these things.


I never check "modify load order" because then it can do some funky things to your load order (obviously!).


The reason load order is important beyond mod conflicts is some mods have specific instructions to place them above, or below other mods, but BOSS doesn't know this, so it just groups things according to compatibility. It also does things like put .esm's among .eps which is where a lot of CTDs can occur.


So, just a quick heads up when using BOSS :wink:

Edited by MidevalGuy
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And to further that, sometimes, actually usually, BOSS doesn't recognize internal Llist overrides, so you may end up with weird setups, but run BOSS then alter it to your prefs.

BOSS is a tool that checks the files loadorder.txt and plugins.txt against an externally procured file masterlist.txt which lists many known mods and the relationships between them. With this information, it runs an algorithmic pattern based on known mod inconsistencies and load order rules and re-orders your loadorder.txt file if desired. Otherwise, it will simply identify missing master/corrupt mod issues

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