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NV CTD on Startup


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Sorry to come back to you guys yet again, however it seems that NV has yet again gotten me scratching my skull. It seems I cannot get the blasted game to start as it CTDs on startup, before I can even get to the main menu. I've tried reinstalling already, and am running a fresh install right now (to no avail). I've also already checked with FNVEdit so I doubt its a mod conflict or missing file. I've also tried the threaded AI options and the 2 Havok Threads option I've been told about before (configured via the NV Configrator). My mods list is as follows:




Ambient Temperature.esm=1
Active Wasteland.esm=1
Advanced Recon Tech.esm=1
Inventory Access.esm=1
JIP Selective-Fire.esm=1
More Perks.esm=1
More Perks for Companions.esm=1
More Perks for Dead Money.esm=1
More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm=1
More Perks for Old World Blues.esm=1
More Traits.esm=1
Primary Needs HUD.esm=1
Project Nevada - Core.esm=1
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1
Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1
Tales from the Burning Sands.esm=1
New Vegas Redesigned II.esm=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1
Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp=1
HUD Extended.esp=1
HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp=1
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1
Light My Flare.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1
Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=1
PA Footsteps.esp=1
Cowboy Perk Complete - New Vegas Bounties.esp=1
More Perks Update.esp=1
More Perks for Companions Update.esp=1
More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp=1
More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp=1
More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp=1
More Traits Update.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Coffee Maker.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Goggle Tints.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Dead Money Replacements.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Dead Money Coffee Maker.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Dead Money Goggle Tints.esp=1
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes.esp=1
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes HH DLC.esp=1
Advanced Recon Gear.esp=1
Advanced Recon Tech.esp=1
Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp=1
Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp=1
Armored PA Gloves.esp=1
NCR Ranger Helmet Neck Cover.esp=1
Powered Power Armor.esp=1
Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp=1
NVR- Lore version.esp=1
NVR- Recommended.esp=1
New Vegas redesigned- Honest Hearts.esp=1
Voice dissonance fix.esp=1
Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp=1
Imp's More Complex Needs.esp=1
Imp's More Complex Needs - JA - SORTED.esp=1
IMCNNV - Sorted.esp=1
Ambient Temperature - IMCNNV.esp=1
Jump Fall Fixer.esp=1
LFox Bottle That Water.esp=1
Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1
OWB-Path Lights.esp=1
Continue After Games Ending 1.9.3.esp=1
Camp Grills.esp=1
WMRUE - WMXUE Edition.esp=1
Followers Ready To Fight.esp=1
OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp=1
JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp=1
AWOP Interior Music.esp=1
Stimpak Counter.esp=1
Alternative Repairing.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - Honest Hearts.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - Bottle That Water.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - Breakdown Item Icons.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - Additional Campfires.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - NVInteriors.esp=1
Alternative Repairing - NVInteriors Combo Edition.esp=1
WARZONES-RUSTOWN - Peaceful Coexistence.esp=1
LFox Missing Ammo Recipes GRA DLC.esp=1
PPA Hardened T51 PN Patch.esp=1
PPA-PN Onyx Patch.esp=1
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp=1



Any ideas?

Edited by tskasa1
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Also be advised that running the game with more than 139 active files is a big no-no, and unless you remove at least 23 mods from your current load-order, you will sooner than later begin experiencing major issues with your game.

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You will have issues when you cross 139 not 160. They may get more severe as you add more but the game does not reliably support more then 139. You risk saved game corruption and lots of other fun surprises.

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Yeah, that's happening to me now. I've been trying to merge mods, but I'm having trouble with it. For example, I've been trying to merge WMX (Weapon Mod Expanded), WMR (Weapon Mod Recipes), and WMXUE (Weapon Mods Expanded for WMX). That would get rid of a ton of files, but I am not sure on how exactly to go about doing this. I tried reading the FONVEdit manual, and although I did the lab there is still a lot that I'm confused about o_O Any help with that would be quite appreciated.

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If you do not know what you are doing then merging mods will be a guaranteed trip to crashland. For example, WMX and WMXUE are not compatible; it is one or the other.


Drop back and punt. Someone (in this case you) trying to solve a crashing problem by doing things they don't understand is not a recipe for happiness.


First get a 100% stable game. You have created an unsolvable mess. This means you must now suffer for your sins. No one likes the phrase, but just take it as a learning experience (as this round is tkasa1 0 and FNV's funky mojo 1).


What to do now....

1: get a completely stable game before doing ANYTHING else.

2: get a completely stable game before doing ANYTHING else.

3: get a completely stable game before doing ANYTHING else.

Choices.... uninstall every MOD (not uncheck, uninstall) or take your chances and extend your current 'fun'. Better still uninstall every mod AND scrub FNV from your PC and re-install. This last step does not take much more time and gives the best results. If you opt to take this last method, you have to make a decision on your saved games. If you have alot progress, backup your saved games. If not, just delete them. Deleting them will result in a better, more stable game as a game with a ton of mods added and removed will often never be stable.

When you uninstall FNV (scrub the system, rather then a simple re-install) you need to backup(optional) and then delete both your main game folder and also your FNV folder in MyGames.


Also check your PC (patches, drivers, disk check, virus scan, clean temp folders); no sense getting a nice clean FNV install on a messed up PC.


Now that your game is baselined, check is it completely stable without errors. Once confirmed, you add a few mods at a time and test. Not 30 or so. And for goodness sake read the install instructions. Ending up with both WMX and WMXUE is a sure sign that you ignored the simple fact that reading really is fundamental. Check with FNVEdit for conflicts. Simplest way is to create a merge patch (which is not a merged mod but a compatibility patch). Once you get up to a fairly large number (say 120 or so) and you still have more to add then you can try to learn how to merge mods. And don't grab game changing mods and try to merge them. You will fail. Instead load a few very basic things (like an adds clothing and a add a gun). Veryify using FNV that they do not conflict. Check (or renumber) formIDs so they don't mess each other up. Then uninstall the original mods and add your merged mod as well as a new compatibility patch (you need a new compatibility patch every time you change your load order in any way).


Take is slow and easy. If you don't know what you're doing, don't do it until you understand it. FNV is a great game but it is not so clever that if you tell it to do stupid stuff it will instead do what you meant.

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I'm sorry, but it seems you misunderstood. I'm not all that new to modding and I understand the basics of it. I've already gotten it running, and I am now trying to resolve the issues due to mod overload, although I must admit the WMXUE oversight was a bit silly on my part (and it shocks me that the game somehow ran okay-ish with those two conflicting mods - albeit with missing texture issues) - although I later removed it. I've also, in the past, run a heavily modded and completely stable NV before with many of these mods. This was a first attempt to see how far I could push it for well..because I find modding, despite all its annoying bits, about as fun as playing the fully modded game.


Also, to quote myself:


"Welp, I feel like an idiot. Sorry everyone. Apparently some of those up there can't be up at the same time. It's damn strange that FNVEdit didn't pick up on it...but eh. Sorry for the trouble."


I've already done some edits to get rid of conflicts such as only running one AWOP "low" thing at a time (only Low Robots, only Low NPCs and the low loot patches), and I've gotten rid of WMXUE and anything related to it. Etc, etc. As such, the originally posted load order was not at all representative of what I finally ended up with.


What I'm trying to get to do now, both for functionality and for the sake of learning how to do so, is to merge mods so I can get some more mods running because even with my fixed setup I have 160 mods.

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Your claim of modding skills and the mods you have installed and tried to merge are at odds with each other. But you are of course free to solve your problems as you see fit. Good luck.

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