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Mod Help: ACE vs SkyRE vs Requiem


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Havent tried ACE but i played alot with both Skyre and Requiem.


Skyre is great, it makes the game just a littlebit harder and adds lots of perks, making it possible to really customize your character exactly how you want it. Also it adds lots of new spells, changes to standing stones etc.


Requiem is different, this is more of an overhaul than an add-on like Skyre. It is hard, really f*cking hard, you cant expect to play like you did in vanilla skyrim unless you enjoy dying. Also it forces you to play a character, no multitasking warmachine as in vanilla who is proficient with every weapon, armor and spells, in Requiem you have to choose what kind of character you want to play and stick with it.

It changes basically every perk in some way and really make you think before choosing a perk, because every one of them could be difference between life and death.


Both of these mods also make the enemies deleveld i.e they dont level up when you do, a bandit will always be level 10, a bandit chief level 20 and so on. This is one of the most important features of both these amazing mods. Makes you think before foolishly rushing in to a dungeon.


So if you found that vanilla skyrim was boring because it had to little options to create you dream character, go with Skyre.

Did you however found vanilla skyrim was way to easy and got boring because of this, go with Requiem.


Personally i cant even imagine playing without Requiem, best thing that happend to the gamingworld since Dark/Demonsouls. :)

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I see. I understand that these mods all require a fresh start right?


I guess I'll try to play a bit more without them. I've found vanilla to be too easy, so I've been installing mods that have been making the game more difficult without installing anything that helps me apart from bound weapons redux. So far, the only thing I've been satisfied are dragons with DD and DCO together. They really have become terrifying beasts. The bandits and others, meh not so much. Considering I'm an unarmored mage they do hit hard and I still die, but it's not been too hard unless I forget myself and rush in waving bound swords and flames about. I've just recently installed ASIS, Locational Damage, Better Reactions, Sumbliminal Traps, Killing Traps and Traps Make Noise. So far I haven't found the difficulty raise too much, even if I'm playing on legendary. Although it may be because of the type of character I'm playing. I'm a mage-conjurer, so I have a couple of dremoras. If I find that I am still looking for something more difficult, I think Requiem would be the pinnacle of what can be achieved regarding difficulty? It seems I'll have to look into it.





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Any mod that changes the game enough to make it challenging will require a new start. The parts that make it too easy are too fundamental.


ASIS *can* go a long way, but works best with other mods. For example, if you install a mod that adds better spells, ASIS will give you casters throwing more powerful spells at you.

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I recommend using Erkeil's Realistic Skyrim Overhaul in conjunction with SkyRe.

I personally only use SkyRe main module and survivalism. To make it harder, I use ERSO encounter zones and lower level skill gain. I also added Duel - Combat Realism along with Ultimate Combat for an extra hard experience.


This is a great way to get a similar difficulty to Requiem while not having to overhaul everything thereby reducing compatibility.


To see what modules conflict with each other from both mods, use TES5Edit. The you can make your own merged compatibility patch. Then again, that is an advanced practice, if you are willing to learn.

Edited by DemongelRex
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Yeah, I just watched the videos and it seemed that the changes Requiem had done to the game as radical and extensive, making a lot of good mods like Dragon Combat Overhaul and SkyTEST to conflict with it. It seems going SkyRE with select modules and then using other more specialized mods is a better option for me.
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